Saturday, August 22, 2020

Flu not contagious

by Jim West (please share and cite)

Many studies tell us that influenza may be a misdiagnosis, that it may be entirely toxicological, not viral, as exemplified by Dolan (1985)

Many diseases begin with "flu-like" symptoms. Many air pollution chemicals produce "flu-like" symptoms. Doctors nevertheless ignore environment as they send their patients to literal hell with repeated visits, with pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, pain killers, etc. Patients are returned to their toxic environment, misinformed. And, returned to the doctors office.

Therefore, the following makes perfect sense. 

Scientists found influenza to be non-contagious, and published their findings in JAMA

Perhaps the most interesting epidemiological studies conducted during the 1918–1919 pandemic were the human experiments conducted by the Public Health Service and the U.S. Navy under the supervision of Milton Rosenau on Gallops Island, the quarantine station in Boston Harbor, and on Angel Island, its counterpart in San Francisco. 

The experiment began with 100 volunteers from the Navy who had no history of influenza. 

Rosenau was the first to report on the experiments conducted at Gallops Island in November and December 1918. 

His first volunteers received first one strain and then several strains of Pfeiffer's bacillus by spray and swab into their noses and throats and then into their eyes. When that procedure failed to produce disease, others were inoculated with mixtures of other organisms isolated from the throats and noses of influenza patients. Next, some volunteers received injections of blood from influenza patients. 

Finally, 13 of the volunteers were taken into an influenza ward and exposed to 10 influenza patients each. Each volunteer was to shake hands with each patient, to talk with him at close range, and to permit him to cough directly into his face. None of the volunteers in these experiments developed influenza. 

Rosenau was clearly puzzled, and he cautioned against drawing conclusions from negative results. He ended his article in JAMA with a telling acknowledgement: 

“We entered the outbreak with a notion that we knew the cause of the disease, and were quite sure we knew how it was transmitted from person to person. Perhaps, if we have learned anything, it is that we are not quite sure what we know about the disease.”

Extracted from:

"The State of Science, Microbiology, and Vaccines Circa 1918"

John M. Eyler, PhD

Public Health Rep. 2010; 125(Suppl 3): 27–36.

* * *

Thanks to Thomas Quinn for sending text by Raymond Obomsawin, PhD, which referenced the Eyler study above.


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Friday, August 21, 2020

Sweden's Success is Real ("COVID-19")

by Jim West (please share and cite)

Fake News (e.g., New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, etc) has misrepresented Sweden's COVID-19 history as a failure because Sweden did not invoke mandates and lockdowns.


Sweden actually succeeded. No lockdowns, no face mask mandates, and "COVID" deaths declined to ZERO. 

Some mainstream business publications, such as Forbes, support Sweden.

Newsweek supports Sweden.

Sweden, Which Never Had Lockdown, Sees COVID-19 Cases Plummet as Rest of Europe Suffers Spike

Total deaths/100K during 2020 are the same for US vs Sweden. [Ref

However, while Sweden's death rate is down to zero, the US continues on.

A detailed look, including Medical protocols and environmental toxicology, would undoubtedly be revealing. 

US death rates are up as employs draconian measures and its economy and society suffers. 

At the height of Sweden's epidemic, the Health Minister described policy as "more sustainable" in the long run, and without the economic consequences. Tourism is at a record low, but that could mean that the smarter, more aware tourists, are visiting, the ones we want to meet.

Sweden is one of the few nations whose economy has grown this year and Swedes continue to socialize more normally.

Swedes weren't born yesterday.

Swedish life at the height of the epidemic, as portrayed by Business Insider, April 13, 2020. 

Caveat: There could be a 2nd COVID-19 wave (for Sweden or any nation) when winter cold brings high indoor air pollution, or if Sweden's fuel sources change away from relatively clean fuel towards fracked fuel.

Update: 2/25/2022

Sweden is the winner, with its personal freedom and low total COVID incidences.

Sweden's major petroleum source was Russia at the start of the epidemic and during 2021 became a minor source, this in response to a question about Sweden's incidence rise in 2021.


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Monday, August 10, 2020

Medicine: Etymology

 by Jim West (please share and cite)

Here is an original yet likely accurate etymology of Medicine.


  •     Medi -- To meddle, mediate, intercept.
  •     -cine --  From Greek "kine", actually "kīnéō" (to move). The Greek word, "kinema" means "movement" with the syllable "-ma" (suffix meaning today, -ment). "-ma" can also mean "to seat". Commonly "cinema" was used since 1890s, to mean movie theater. "Kinema" may have meant to the ancients, in some contexts, "theater".

Thus, Medicine -- to mediate with action theater.

This suggests that Doctors must always be doing something and portraying fiction. They cannot leave well enough alone, or leave to nature (the patient). This meaning conforms with reality.

A Doctor is analogous to a religious priest with military support. Medicine was once the function of military judicial priests (e.g., the Levites in the Old Testament). And still are.

This can be seen with hospitals named after religious figures from all the major religions, and the Public Health System (PHS/CDC/NIH/FDA) as a branch of the U.S. military. 

All major religions support prenatal ultrasound and vaccines: Buddhism, Catholicism, Daoism, Islam, and Protestantism. Some Jewish and Christian sects do not support vaccines, such as some Hasadim and some Christian Scientists.

Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD (as described by Wikipedia) says that Medicine as an evil religion.

Robert S. Mendelsohn... portrayed doctors as powerful priests of a primitive religion, with dishonesty as its central ethic.

Here is Mendelsohn himself from his book, Confessions of a Medical Heretic. [Whale]

...doctors are really the priests of the Church of Modern Medicine, most people don’t deny them... Doctors... turn out to be dishonest, corrupt, unethical, sick, poorly educated, and downright stupid more often than the rest of society. 

Here is the fake mainstream etymology of Medicine.

Note that "Medicine" is split after the "c". Medic - ine

That split is suspect. It drives the origins of the word to be those which occur after the invention of the words with the root "Medic-", after the invention of Medical terms. 

The split results in the last syllable, "-ine", which could mean "pertaining to", though that seems meaningless in this context.


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Sunday, August 9, 2020

Critique: "COVID-19 Isolated in Canadian Lab"

 by Jim West (please share and cite)

It was announced on March 12, 2020, that the COVID-19 virus was isolated by a Canadian Lab. See this press release from McMaster University:

Because Medicine has an extremely bad reputation, this mere announcement cannot be taken at face value. How bad is Medicine? Many examples abound, as exemplified by John Horton, Senior Editor of The New England Journal of Medicine, who admitted that in general, 50% of published Medical studies are likely invalid. [JRappoport]

Unpublished studies should then be even more untrustworthy. This study will be published possibly in September 2020, but under what terms? Peer-review, or just a description without going through a critical gauntlet?

Even if it were published, it would not survive dissident criticism. See how to argue against virology. Their avoidance of environmental toxicology invalidates their work.

When I find that this study is published, I will return to review the announced study.

Off-hand I can say that this is not a seminal discovery, but a followup of prior work by other scientists who claim to have discovered and properly characterized COVID-19 virus. The earlier, seminal study should be critiqued.

This study does not attempt to prove the existence of COVID-19 virus, and it does not verify for itself that it is actually working with COVID-19 virus. It is taking on faith the word of prior work, as the basis for its work, and it is overlooking flaws in prior work.

The title is stunning, "key role in isolating COVID-19 virus... urgent research".

The title, like much Medical news, stresses emergency and "urgency", and that attitude encourages everyone including the scientists, to skip a close read of the details.

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Friday, August 7, 2020

Mississippi COVID-19 Pre-Existing Disease

 by Jim West (please share and cite)

Mississippi (the COVID-19 hotspot, as of 8/7/2020)
44% of deaths are in Long Term Care, can be seen in  this chart of death statistics in  Mississippi, truncated and annotated here.
Most of the other 56% are likely suffering pre-existing diseases. The CDC has stated, generally,
The percentage of COVID-19 patients with at least one underlying health condition or risk factor was higher among those requiring intensive care unit (ICU) admission (78%) and those requiring hospitalization without ICU admission (71%). [CDC]
Thus, COVID-19 is "helping" the economy by ousting vegetative vulnerable people from the planet.
Balance is the problem. "COVID-19" (as pollution and malpractice) is creating even more vegetables for the next season's harvest.

Yet, balance is always optimized. The challenge for global management: How to oust vegetable humans (increase Darwinian pressure) without creating too many more vegetables. This is a known toxicological problem for the required poisoning of human society -- to maintain "hormesis". 

Yes, poisoning is required according to global human management protocol. It is not just greedy industry making mistakes. So says Yuval Harari, elite historian.

This hormetic system for human society is in parallel with agricultural protocols. It is a long ongoing agenda, to optimize the global economic metabolism, and is hidden by journalism.

See how toxicologists explain required social poisoning: "Rationale for Industrial Poisoning".


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Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Virology: Fake Science

by Jim West (please share and cite)

Virology is at the root of much unsupported Medical propaganda with regard to disease causation and vaccination. 

Due to Medicine's acknowledged bad reputation, it is unwise to accept medical announcements (press releases) without first running them through a critical gauntlet.

Therefore, proof of virus existence and character should always be required from the claimers of viruses -- before going into the related topics, i.e., before going out on the thin limbs, leaves and flowers of a tenuous rootless tree.

This will get you nowhere with a doctor or judge, as they represent authority over science, even if irrational.

Nevertheless, virus criticism is essential for an honest conversation, to keep the mind sharp.

Virology: Two Achilles Heels

1) Isolation of viruses is not actually achieved, as it is claimed. Critical examples are poliovirus and HIV.

2) Toxicology is missing. That is, the toxic effects of antibiotics used in virological studies are not discounted. The clinical diagnoses and the epidemiology avoid environmental toxicology.

Going into detail

1) Virus Isolation

"Isolation" of viruses has always been broadcasted as a great achievement, because it intuitively conveys a sense of total dominance and understanding of the so-called virus. 

Example, poliovirus:

That famous "isolation of poliovirus" in 1909, by Landsteiner and Popper, consisted of the injection of emulsified extract of spinal cord taken from one paralyzed human child into two monkeys. The monkeys became ill, and one died. This illness was interpreted as "polio", "infection" and by subsequent journalists and scientists, "virus isolation".

No control group existed (no comparison with injections from healthy human spinal cord). No toxicology was discounted for the ill child during his diagnosis. Toxic factors are not discounted in polio epidemiology generally -- despite toxic factors being extremely obvious.

An second attempt was made, to infect other healthy monkeys from the ill monkeys, and the result was failure.
From the spinal cord of this monkey inoculations were made into two other monkeys with negative results.
This attempt was within the same animal specie (monkey to monkey, not human to monkey) and it still failed. 

Thus, though the study actually proves that "polio" is not contagious, it goes down in history as a great achievement of "virus isolation", proving discovery of poliovirus as cause.

Derived from inorganic chemistry

The term "isolation" is derived from the true success of inorganic chemistry (non-biological chemistry).
Example: H2O can be split into two isolates, i.e., two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, through electrolysis. Endless types of experiments can then be run on each of these isolates to determine their properties, density, weight, etc. Examples: A) Fill a balloon with hydrogen and watch it rise into the sky. It must a low density element. B) These isolates can be reacted with each other again to produce H2O again.  D) The proportions  of H2O can be ascertained. E) They can be reacted individually with metals to form metal oxides and hydrides, e.g., rust was determined to be iron oxide.

Children can do such experiments in the kitchen. 

Hurrah for Science!
Clever virologists faked this method and its terminology. They did this by (in practice) redefining the word "isolate" to mean  "mixture", the opposite of its actual meaning.

In practice, "virus isolates" are complex mixtures of biological matter, impossible to understand, except as a confused mess.

The Perth Group, essentially, is saying this, and so are biochemists Howard Urnovitz PhD, and Stefan Lanka PhD. The virus paradigm promoter, PhD, Judy Mikovitz admitted this in her interview with David Crowe, the medical dissident.

Virus "isolates" are more "mixed" than anything on the planet, the result of high-speed blending of diseased tissue, to break down its components into a blended mess. What freaky hormones are generated by cells in the process of disintegrating them in the blender? And putting that mess into a centrifuge at 150,000G for 45 minutes?

A clear liquid is extracted off the top of the mess, by use of the centrifuge. This "supernatant" is sometimes filtered to provide what is assumed to be the "isolate", i.e., a "virus strain". But if 150,000G was required to "isolate" the "virus", then maybe it wasn't really isolated. It was much more likely split off of some essential interlinked component.

Electron microscopy confirms a mixture, not an isolate of anything.

The electron microscope photos are minute cherry-picked areas of the "isolate", found through a meticulous process, then used to promote the idea of an imagined "virus isolate". Many images are modified or computer generated images. Photos are shown without a referenced study. The data doesn't support the virus model, so the data is interpreted to fit the model.

Another problem is that to see anything under an electron microscope, the stuff must be prepared, which means kill it, dehydrate it, slice it, destroy it with splattered molten gold and toxic chemicals. Thus electron microscopy is not seeing the real thing.

The highly awarded Harold Hillman (PhD Biochemistry) clearly demonstrated this, and thereby lost his tenured professorship. Among other positions, he was the director of the neurobiology laboratory at London University. His films are on YouTube. His summary paper is here.
In 2005, officials announced that the words "isolation" and "isolate", "have no specific definition". Apparently this was because The Perth Group and others were so successful in unveiling the false claims of virus isolation. Virus believers continue to madly attack Perth ad hominem, while denying Perth rebuttal. An example is Wikipedia.

The victory call, "Isolation achieved!", has now been replaced with a new routine of propaganda, whereby it is claimed that isolation is not necessary. However, when I asked how this could be, the claimer ran away. 

It's logical to expect that things must be viewed as separate entities in order to understand their functions. If you are always experimenting with a soup of A+B+C+D, then you would never know which of those things in the soup was the real culprit. And that is virology.

Even in the unlikely event that viruses were proven to exist and found to be predatory sub-microbes, that would only be a laboratory artifact, because the laboratory scenario is highly artificial, and the "diseases" produced, in lab mice and cell lines, generally do not resemble the disease being studied.
...the highly specialized, neurotropically fixed virus, which has been maintained in the past by intracerebral passage in rhesus monkeys, is more likely a laboratory artifact... Claus W. Jungeblut, PhD
Missing is a simple commonsense study -- Take 10,000 healthy mice and drop a few "infected" mice in their midst and watch the epidemic spread without a vaccine, without limits. 

That study is not done because it would disprove germ theory.

Yet there are a few exceptions. A study was conducted for influenza, an extensive study using human subjects. Result: "Virus" influenza is not an infectious disease.

2) Toxicology Avoided

Missing is toxicology in virology, in epidemiology, and in clinical diagnostics.

The following is extracted from my measles research.

Lanka notes the lack of evidence for measles virus. He specifically critiques the work of virologist John F. Enders, PhD. [Article 2015] [Article 2001] [Interview 2018] [Virology details 2/2017, German Language]

The first paper was published in 1954 by Enders et al... Enders... cut down dramatically on the nutrient solution and added cell-destroying antibiotics to the cell culture before introducing the allegedly infected fluid. The subsequent dying of the cells was then misinterpreted as presence and also isolation of the measles virus. No control experiments were performed to exclude the possibility that it was the deprivation of nutrients as well as the antibiotics which led to the cytopathic effects.
And a few notes from me on the fakery of virus isolation by Enders...

John Enders is also falsely credited for isolating the poliovirus, according to a critical review by journalist Neenyah Ostrom, on the authority of biochemist Howard Urnovitz, PhD. [Ref]

[P]oliovirus was not actually isolated by these investigators, either. They successfully grew "filterable agents," which they assumed to be poliovirus, in human embryonic tissues.

Enders' fame as "The Father of Modern Vaccines" is perhaps due to his tremendous inheritance and elite membership in Yale's wealthiest secret society. No joke. [Ref]

How to argue "no virus"

Keep the burden of proof on the claimers (of virus existence).

They claim to know, and perhaps (unlikely) they do. So we want to learn.

Therefore, respect their wisdom, then ask one question and two followups.

1) What seminal study describes the discovery of said virus? The first, original study which describes discovery. (The earlier the study, the less complicated the BS. Later studies are often based on the original study, so nip it all at the root, the original study.)

a) What text in this study describes the isolation of the virus? (This is to ensure that they have  actually read more than the title, and to save yourself time reading BS.)

b) What text in this study describes the process of discounting toxicological factors? (See Lanka above on this.)

The claimers should balk. End of confrontation.

Likely they have not read the content of their prized study, and they are assuming you will be bluffed and in awe, like them.

It may be inconceivable to them that such sophisticated tech and writing could be misleading. Often they are in love with the semantic and tech sophistication for which money has paid, and they might not realize this.

In a sense, logic is the ultimate power, but no matter how eloquent, it requires valid data. It is not without political hazards. Logic can only be presented at diplomatically safe times and places. Diplomacy is superior, and another area of logic, which can trump technical flash.

It is possible that a study will outright lie and invent data, but usually, in order to gain the support of a team of science techies, the study contains white lies. Techies will work under the banner of white lies, secure that they will not appear fraudulent. 

The study will be peer-reviewed and published, and thereby gaining the prestige of honesty. However, even the senior editors of prominent Medical science publications have decried medical science in general as entering the dark age of fraud (as if it were not always the case). Jon Rappaport documents this.

If for some reason you must read the study, yet you lack medical tech language, you can parse out the language and learn, or read and note the lack of actual isolation. 

Or you can merely search for the word "toxicology" or similar words. This essential topic is very unlikely to be found in the study.

Usually virus fanatics present an article or review of studies, in which case you would reply, "A scientific study is required, not journalism."

Summary (in other words)

To critique a “virus”, do not be awed by the technology and language.

Do not argue. Just require proper documentation from the virus fan.

That is --

Always remember that the burden of proof is on them, those who make the claims. If you argue, then you will be required to "prove" your assertion, and from a philosophical view, proof is nearly impossible for anything, and your virus fan will pedantically jump on you.

Merely ask one question, and add two followups.

    1) What is the study that first claimed discovery of said virus?

         a) What text in the study describes isolation of the virus?

They can’t rebut because isolation doesn’t actually occur. The word “isolate” is (in virology practice) redefined as “mixture”. What is called a "virus strain" is the result of blending diseased tissue at high speed for 45 minutes. Obviously that is not an "isolate".

         b) What text in the study describes the process of discounting toxicological factors?

This is necessary, because in our industrial world, poisons are an obvious potential threat. The Medicos cannot answer, because their entire purpose is to distract you away from any toxicological perception.

Examples of virus criticism

Simplest argument: Omitted toxicology invalidates virology

"Canadians isolate COVID-19 virus!"

COVID-19 is an environmental and malpractice phenomena.


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Monday, August 3, 2020

COVID Anecdotes

by Jim West (please share and cite)

The Violent MASKER, again, 8/1/2020

11am. I'm looking for a public area with low EMF, using the the am radio test. I forgot to put on my mask.

I get about six feet from a man sitting on a bench. 

Man: "Stay away from me. Social distance."

I see he has no mask. "You should be wearing a mask. It's the law."

Man: "I don't want to hear your bullshit!" I realize this is the same rude man I had met a few weeks earlier. [See "Violent MASKER" below]

Me: "You already have it."

The man lurches forward violently as if to attack me. Then he settles back into his bench.

I stand unaffected with a smile. "How strange," and I walk away.

I reflect, and remind myself that it is not good to make enemies.

The Violent MASKER, 7/5/2020

A mask mandate has been declared in my city.

I'm sitting on a park bench at 8:30am, and nobody is near. A man (age ~65) walks over and sits 15 feet away. 

Man: "Are you aware that a mask must be worn in public space?"

Me: I reach for my mask and begin putting it on. "Yes... but..."

Man: "I don't want to hear your bullshit!"

Me: "Yet, I'd like to hear yours." Man walks off in a huff, and apparently calls the police. Five minutes later a cop car shows up and parks, politely positioned towards me. I walk towards the cop car and veer past.

Obsessive Maskers 7/20/2020

At 3am when the city is abandoned, I see a single person walking down the street in the dark, walking out of the city, wearing a COVID mask.

A person is driving a car, windows rolled up, A/C on, wearing a mask.

Solitary people are wearing masks with pride, as if they are wearing a crisp military uniform, as if they are a member of a cult, making a brave statement.

Posters 7/10/2020

Poster says "We are a community that cares. Please respect our wishes and wear a mask."

Poster says: "Masks are mandated. It's the law. Mask up buttercup!"

After a few weeks, these posters are being torn down.

The Blunt Believer, 6/5/2020

I'm alone in a park, nobody near. An acquaintance walks up to say hi.

Acq: "You know that this city is experiencing a dramatic rise in COVID cases?"

Me: "Cases are undefined. Testing is ramping up and there is a natural reflection of testing. And a better marker is deaths. COVID is known to be related to air pollution, and we have little air pollution here."

Acq: Insultingly, "You're one of those people who goes on the Internet and researches stuff."

I reflect a dismay. My acquaintance feels bad. He walks away.


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Saturday, August 1, 2020

NYC Water

by Jim West (please share and cite)

New York City claims to have a multi-billion $ filtration system. [Ref]
What good is that filtration system when there are so many ways that NYC water can be contaminated as it travels through local pipeline systems that run through the City's polluted earth, before it gets to the customer?
NYC brags that its water is perfect yet it does not warn its population that its water is piped through NYC toxic earth on its way to the consumer. 

These spill poisons can find their way into the City water pipes and joints. In the earth, oscillating pressure and shock waves work toxic plumes into the crevices and imperfections of the pipe system. Human error also causes water toxicity.

Industrial Spills (EPA database)

Thus water should be filtered or distilled before final use. This can only be done effectively by the customer, or building management.
Toxic Dumping

The City dumps several toxic chemicals into the water supply, e.g., fluoride, chlorine, etc. It ignores these as it brags about its water purity. 

The City ignores chemical toxicity if it is below the declared EPA hazard threshold. Even if the combined toxicity level (of several compounds) exceeds a single compound's toxicity level.

Perhaps the City should not be filtering and treating and just get out of the way and save our tax money. 

It should warn citizens that they should be filter their own water. They must do this even with the best filtering and treatment plans, due to the unpredictable potential for human disaster. But gov cannot admit fault. It pays billions to maintain images of faith in central power.

We must filter or distill our water supply individually.

My method

Distill water with a pinch of sodium carbonate ("washing soda" at the local market), to react with petrochemicals that would otherwise vaporize and go with the distiller's output and condense into the receiving container. The reaction products then have a higher boiling point. By this I avoid the hassle of activated carbon filters.

This will not work for all scenarios, all contaminants. 

People have long used sodium bicarbonate ("baking soda") to remove (by reaction) organic odor, and washing soda is the mild sister compound of sodium carbonate. 

Washing soda can be made from bicarbonate of soda by heating at high temp in the stove, driving out CO2. This explains how people can clean an oven by merely painting baking soda onto the inner stove, and heating.

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Water consumption: Lifestyle or Toxicity?

   by Jim West   (please share and cite) Hypothesis (as always) A  mainstream belief by (mostly) women is 1) increase water consumption for...