Thursday, April 9, 2020

COVID-19: Finding the Environmental Trigger

by Jim West (please share and cite)

 Background  China’s fake numbers
 Reality checks  Sucharit Bhakdi, PhD
 Air pollution  Terms
 Incidence Table  Earth pollution
 Pandemic trigger  Population density
 Symptoms  5G not primary cause
 Precedents  EMF cofactor

COVID-19 means “coronavirus disease 2019”, and is defined as a flu-like disease caused by a virus (“novel coronavirus” or “COVID-19 virus”). It is the initial trigger and continuing cause of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Possible symptoms are respiratory symptoms, cough, shortness of breath, hypoxia (low oxygen), fever, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, lung and kidney damage, tremors, and neurological symptoms. [JASN] [CDC] [CNBC] [Mao 2020]

WHO declared the pandemic on March 11, 2020.
The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic is… caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [COVID-19]. The outbreak started in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak to be… a pandemic on 11 March 2020.[Wiki 4/7/20]
As of 27 April 2020, more than 3.04 million cases have been reported across 185 countries and territories, resulting in more than 211,000 deaths. [Wiki 4/27/20]
In the United States, the most intense epicenters began in New York State, in the same locations as the record-high measles epidemics that ended just months earlier. Measles is also a flu-like disease. This strongly suggests environmental factors. [JW 4/2019] [JTA 4/2/20] [LoHud 4/3/20]

Williamsburg (Brooklyn, NY)
Borough Park (Brooklyn, NY)
East Ramapo (Rockland County, NY)

Reality check #1

Some critics doubt the existence of the pandemic, asserting that it is the result of hyped diagnoses of traditional diseases. This may be partially true, however, there is a real pandemic of flu-like diseases.

COVID-19 and other morbidity/mortality is high at the epicenters. This all-cause increase is the actual pandemic and it includes children.

The CDC had to expand its flu-like disease incidence scale, from "1 to 10" to  "1 to 13".
The percent of deaths due to pneumonia or influenza (P&I) is high but the increase is due primarily to COVID-19, not influenza. Reported pediatric flu deaths for the season are high at 170. [CDC 4/25/2020]
All-cause morbidity, in general, is extraordinarily high in the UK for the period of 3/27 to 4/15/2020, according to the Office of National Statistics.
…registered 25,932 additional deaths above the statistical recent 5 year norm. Of these 11,427 recorded COVID-19 as the sole mentioned underlying cause. [Iain Davis 5/3/2020]
Those "additional deaths" (all-cause), represent a larger unpublicized pandemic. Only 44% of those deaths were recorded as COVID-19. This pandemic is over twice as large as the COVID-19 pandemic.

7/22/2020, NY Times published a graph of excess mortality (COVID-19 and otherwise in the US clearly demonstrates a real pandemic.

Reality check #2

24/7 political virus drama should be set aside, at least temporarily, to allow this review of the obvious environmental context. There are simple and effective arguments that put virus causation in doubt. Study these prerequisites: [JW-NV] [DC-Cv8]

Air pollution causation

Many studies find that air pollution is the primary co-factor with the coronavirus. They stay politically safe by avoiding the short-term environmental trigger (short-term air pollution). They use the terms: "virus", "co-factor", and "long-term air pollution".

A recent Harvard study finds that vulnerables to the "virus" are generated by long-term air pollution.
A small increase in long-term exposure to PM2.5 leads to a large increase in COVID-19 death rate… 1 μg/m3 in PM2.5 is associated with an 8% increase in the COVID-19 death rate.[Wu_4/5/20]
A study from Tel Aviv University, describes the long-term NO2 air pollution component as a "most important contributor" to the COVID-19 pandemic.
[NO2 (Nitrogen dioxide)] is one of the most obvious contributors to fatality caused by the COVID-19 virus in these regions and maybe across the whole world. [Ogen_20]
The distinguished medical scientist, Sucharit Bhakdi, states that virus causation is dubious, the common denominator is "horrid air pollution" and the medical response to the pandemic is “grotesque, absurd and very dangerous.”

7/22/2020, The NY Times lists only four states with no excess mortality. These states have the lowest air pollution in the US.

Ventilator/drug causation

Some medicos report that ventilators are killing nearly 100% of ICU patients, and that low pressure oxygen should be used as it has a high recovery rate. See "Undercover Nurse" at the 47:58 minute mark. See Dr. Sidell

These deaths would not be an initial trigger for the pandemic, but rather an expansion and dramatization of the epidemic already prepared by chronic air pollution, then triggered by a severe increase in air pollution.

Initial epicenter, Wuhan China
as portrayed by The Guardian (2012), Photo: STR/AFP/Getty

Incidence table reveals the trigger

Thirty-four epicenters are listed, sorted by death incidence. The table reveals that COVID-19 death incidence is proportional to the presence of fracking exhaust and poisoned earth. The major epicenters are at the top: The Tri-State Region (NY/NJ/CT), Louisiana, etc

All sides already agree that long-term air pollution is a constant background stressor, a major contributor to the epicenters. By setting aside the virus paradigm, environmental causation can be studied deeper to determine the trigger.

Pandemic trigger

What new pollution triggered the COVID-19 pandemic? 

The incidence table indicates some newly increased toxicity with fracked fuel. This increase could be brought about via a change in refinery protocols, coordinated by global agencies. There are rigorous global standards for refinery protocols, and they have dynamic flexibility, as suggested by The International Regulators Forum, and, The Global Hydrocarbon Supply Model.

Fracking overview

Fracked fuel is refined from toxic fracked oil, which is pumped out of fracking wells and sent to refineries. At the well, drillers go deep into underground deposits of porous shale rock, which contains kerogen, a hard waxy hydrocarbon. This cannot be dissolved by benzene or alcohol, and has a high melting point. 

Deep in the well, the kerogen is attacked with toxic solvents, heat, high pressure fluids, and explosives. This contrasts with conventional “crude oil”, which is also the result of drilling, but with much less use of toxic chemicals and explosives. The liquefied mass of shale oil is pumped to the surface.

Fracked oil is transported to the refinery by pipe or vehicle. During transport, the toxic fracking chemicals remain with the oil, likely all the oil-miscible chemicals. This is confirmed by the unusual history of fracked oil transport fires, and official cautions about tank corrosion, both of which indicate the presence of toxic chemicals other than just oil.
…PHMSA issued a major safety alert… oil obtained via… fracking… in the Bakken Shale may be more chemically explosive than… admitted publicly. [Desmog]
Once at the refinery, oil is refined in three basic stages (covering a possible 18 stages): 

1) Distillation separates oil into various products (gasoline, diesel, etc).

2) Heavy residues are converted with high heat and catalysts into light products.

3) Products are treated to remove sulfur and modify product properties.

Postulate (pandemic trigger)

The pandemic trigger was a global decision to allow refineries to release higher levels of cyanide into the atmosphere and into the natural gas fuel stream. Cyanide is normally emitted from refinery converters ("crackers"), because converters generate cyanide from nitrogen compounds present in the oil. However, fracked oil can contain 20x higher levels of nitrogen compounds, and thus the necessity to dump cyanide into the atmosphere and fuel stream is pertinent to fracked oil. This postulate makes sense in terms of the incidence table.

A toxic refinery flowchart

Unmarketable toxic waste accumulates and must be disposed.

The following discussion has an element of conjecture, because refinery and fracking protocols are, in sensitive areas, hidden and somewhat misinformational.

   Toxic fracking chemicalsàInto wellsàOut of wells with oilàTo refineriesà

Refineries, in three basic stages, then separate oil components (including fracking chemicals) via distillation. Heavier oils are converted into lighter products such as gasoline, diesel fuel, etc., via a high temperature, “molecular cracking” process.

   àDistillation separates heavy oil into lighter weight productsà

   àConverters (“crackers”) break heavy oil into lighter weight productsà

   àOptional treatment of productsà

At any stage, products can be deemed toxic waste, and disposed.

   àToxic waste>Dumped into air and fuelàToxic air and exhaust


   àNeutralizedàDumped into wastewater

Hydrogen cyanide

Hydrogen cyanide (HCN), is a highly toxic gas, a refinery waste product. It can cause symptoms similar if not the same as COVID-19 symptoms, such as coughing, hypoxia, lung and kidney damage. 
 Cyanide prevents the cells of the body from using oxygen. [CDC]
The converters generate highly toxic hydrogen cyanide. Some refinery experts claim that the converters completely neutralize the cyanide, however, that claim is dubious because refineries request huge increases of cyanide release limits from gov agencies. These are air release limits.

Because refineries are granted permission to dump nitrogen into the environment, it is safe to assume that the converters are not completely neutralizing cyanide. It is dumped into the environment (air or water) and likely into the fuel stream to be burned.

   àConverter generates cyanideàDumped into air or fuelà

   àFuel burnedàToxic exhaustàAiràLungsàDisease

The converter generates hydrogen cyanide from nitrogen compounds in the fracked oil which is being cracked. The more nitrogen (as is present in fracked oil) the more cyanide. 

Shale oil comes from kerogen, a solid waxy hydrocarbon that permeates shale rock. It is liquefied at 575F underground in the well. It innately contains high levels of nitrogen. In the fracking well, shale rock deep underground requires chemicals that contain nitrogen, such as, explosives, nitric acid, amines, foaming agents, etc. 

Fracking operations, in the field, do not have the capability to process the retrieved oil, compared to the capability of a refinery. They do not have the ability to remove the nitrogen prior to shipment to the refinery.

It is reasonable to assume that the oil and fracking chemicals stay mixed as they are shipped to the refinery. That must be why fracking tank cars blow up, wells blow up, pipelines corrode, huge cyanide releases are sought, and the fracking industry is so secretive.

In terms of public health, it would be better to neutralize cyanide in water then release the result into the wastewater stream. 

In terms of the petrochemical industrial health, the expense of neutralization would decrease the ability to compete in the market. Wastewater doesn't go away in the night as quickly as air. It would cost less to dump cyanide into the air or fuel. Refineries are seeking to raise cyanide release limits, so it is reasonable to assume that they would have no problem obeying a global directive that raises these release limits.

The normal refinery processes and dumping would result in normal disease levels. Ease up on the expensive detoxification processes, and marketability rises with disease and death. It is a hard business routine of striking a balance.

Cyanide pollution could be controlled by a three-way valve system implied by this flow chart. Red notes are mine. [adapted from Bachmann (2014)]

It has come to light over recent years that refineries have far exceeded their regulatory limits for cyanide releases. While ignoring democratic concerns, they have applied for and are receiving extremely high release limits from regulatory commissions.

I. S. Trevino, Esq., of Earth Justice, May 14, 2019:
…hydrogen cyanide pollution from refineries is poisoning communities nationwide. Yet the EPA has failed to make these refineries clean up their act. 
Symptoms of the "virus"
Incorrectly defined COVID-19 disease could prevent it from being perceived as cyanide poisoning.

Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell reported his observations of damaged lung membranes for COVID-19 symptoms in his New York City ICU (Intensive Care Unit). 

He questions the virus paradigm:
Ventilators were not helping. They were actually damaging the already damaged lungs with air pressure and killing patients. Patients could breath fine (muscles were functioning well) but their lungs could not absorb oxygen efficiently. The disease was incorrectly defined by officials. He suggested low pressure 100% oxygen for hypoxia.

The treatment for cyanide poisoning is also 100% oxygen for hypoxia.

Symptoms compared [ref]

Precedent 1

Devra Davis, PhD has documented many official air pollution coverups. Davis was "the President Clinton appointee to the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board".

Precedent 2

The West Nile "virus" pandemic of 1999 was similar to the COVID-19 pandemic. Both are flu-like diseases that mainly threaten older people. My published research found toxic MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether) at 15% of gasoline in epicenters, with this unknown to the general public. The EPA recommended MTBE for ban at the height of the epidemics in 1999. MTBE began a slow phase-out. The West Nile pandemic diminished over the years.

Like COVID-19, air pollution data correlated with West Nile disease incidence and positive test results. Symptoms of West Nile disease are the same as air pollution symptoms. The West Nile virus is an unproven entity. NY DEC told me that MTBE was regulated at the refinery by “discretionary letter”. A DEC scientist told me that they (DEC's Ward Stone of the State Wildlife Pathology Laboratory) changed their avian necropsy reports from "industrial poisoning" to "West Nile virus" because of (as he briefly laughed) the obviously heavy-handed politics that were going down -- daily headlines screaming "Deadly Virus", and helicopters spraying pesticides over the city.

Like COVID-19, all epicenters were downwind from oil refineries. Seniors were most affected, yet diagnostics were defined with an age range biased towards seniors. ABC News reviewed the study August, 2001, after vetting. The Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients subsequently published the study.

Precedent 3

You can prove ubiquitous diagnostic corruption from your own experience. Tell your doctor you have the flu. Without reviewing your environment, he will likely assert a virus belief and possibly an antibiotic. You will have gained an obsession with washing your hands, an interest in toxic vaccines, a thin wallet, and the potential for tragic results as you ignorantly return to your environment.

The Pollution Pandemic

Wuhan, the initial epicenter, is highly polluted. Generally, China produces and imports toxic fracked fuel and has extremely low environmental standards. 80% of its energy production is from coal. Just months prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, activists were on the street protesting against air pollution and they were persecuted.

Plume (air pollution monitoring app) often shows Wuhan at 10x the pollution level found in New York City. Wuhan is usually reported as Very High, Extreme, or Excessive. Respiratory disease is guaranteed.

Beijing epicenter, BEFORE COVID-19
as portrayed by Yale Env 360 (2018), Photo: Frayer/Getty

Other China cities

China's fake numbers

The pollution thesis would expect Wuhan COVID-19 deaths to be high and continuous. Yet, China tells the world that they have few COVID-19 deaths beyond its initial epidemic period, and that this is due to their strict and successful quarantine.

Steven Mosher, a China expert, investigated cremations and body bag counts. He stated during a Fox News interview, that Wuhan's death incidence is ongoing, at an incidence of approximately 400/100K persons as of 4/7/20, and rising.
And then on March 23rd, after the 60-day crematoria frenzy, they began handing out funeral urns," Mosher added. "Five hundred funeral urns a day to grieving relatives from seven crematoria at times 14 days. Again, that's about fifty thousand.
China’s claim of low numbers occurred after it kicked out Western journalists. Yet, Western journalists choose to believe or disbelieve China’s statistics, depending on the agenda the Western medicos are pushing. For example, they disbelieve China’s numbers, as they hype the hazards of the COVID-19 virus, or want to accuse China for starting the epidemic, and they believe China’s numbers, as they point to China’s “successful” lockdown policy. 

Madrid (Spain) vies for position as the next highest death incidence. It imports petroleum from Qatar, a major exporter of fracked fuel for industry and power plants. 

Madrid pollution, as portrayed by ZDnet (2011))

Plume often shows high NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) pollution for Madrid.

Milan (Italy) vies with Spain for most deaths, outside of China, and is accused of under-reporting. Milan has been called, "Europe's most polluted city." Milan imports much of its petroleum products, fracked, from the US. Long before the COVID-19 pandemic, traffic in Milan and Rome has been banned and people told to stay indoors because of intense air pollution. 

Milan pollution, as portrayed by BBC (2020), Photo: Reuters

A common Plume report for Milan is "High" and "Very High".

as portrayed by Pinzuti (2018) 
I don’t want to spend the rest of my life with an air pollution mask.

The Tri-State Region (NY/NJ/CT)

4/7/2020, in the morning, Plume App reported "Excessive" and "Extreme" for New York City, with high and sustained NO2 levels. I predicted record COVID-19 deaths. Then later in the day, the media confirmed my prediction by reporting all-time record high COVID-19 deaths.

Missing data

That evening, I reviewed Plume again and found the air pollution historical data missing. Instead, New York City was shown to have an absurd Air Quality Index (AQI) of 3, due to the missing data, NO2, PM10, and O3.

The same problem began occurring for New Orleans air pollution during high death counts. Other cities (with less COVID-19 deaths) do not have this extreme missing data problem. 

NYCDOH COVID-19 death reports for 4/7/2020 stated, "High death counts are due to delayed reporting." Thus, on the day of record-high mortality, both medical and environmental data was suddenly missing. 

There is a correlation between missing data and high COVID-19 death counts.

Fracked fuel exhaust correlates

The two largest US epicenters, the Tri-State Region and Louisiana, are both amidst the largest petrochemical regions in the U.S., and downwind from power plants fueled by fracked-fuel.

Poisoned earth correlates

Air pollution also arrives from earth spills, accumulated from centuries of unregulated industry. These spills are common throughout New York City and adjacent New Jersey.

Usually, epidemics in the US begin in, and are heaviest in, the New York City region, e.g., the 1916 polio, 1918 Spanish flu, The Great Polio Epidemic, West Nile virus, H1N1 flu, measles, and now, COVID-19. The cover story for each epidemic is a virus.

Telling coincidences

The initial COVID-19 epicenters in New York State of 2020 (highest in US) coincide with the three measles epicenters of 2019 (highest in US). These are Borough Park and Williamsburg in Brooklyn county, and Ramapo in Rockland county.

These epicenters (measles and COVID-19) occurred over toxic earth plumes from EPA Superfund Sites. Upwind to these epicenters are old and newly installed electric power plants, fueled by toxic fracked gas.

Within these Superfund Site epicenters, the measles epidemics in 2019 were blamed on unvaccinated people by restricting diagnostic investigations to the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated were liable for fines of $1,000.

The COVID-19 epidemics of 2020 were blamed on the same people for not self-isolating. Those not complying were liable for fines, imprisonment, and litigation.

Sucharit Bhakdi, PhD

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is an epidemiologist and microbiologist, the chairman of The Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at Mainz University for 22 years. He is one of Germany's the most cited researchers. 

Bhakdi “demystified” the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bhakdi boldly supports the air pollution thesis, over the virus (rather than as a co-factor with the virus).

He does, however, maintain the burden of virus belief, and is thus stuck with a long and somewhat false argument, as if he were influenced by the famous Peter Duesberg, PhD , who, in the 1980s, described the supposed "AIDS virus" as harmless.

Bhakdi similarly describes COVID-19 virus as low-risk.

Note that the no-virus argument is much simpler, easier to remember, and ultimately powerful in debate. It merely puts the burden of proof on virologists where it belongs. It asks two simple questions which virologists cannot answer: 1) Where was virus isolation properly achieved? 2) Where was toxicological causation properly discounted?

Bhakdi is doing what he can within his profession's political limitations to bring attention to air pollution and COVID-19 contradictions.

Bhakdi describes the COVID-19 pandemic as “tragic”, a dramatized hyper-focus on Coronavirus, essentially a misdiagnosis of diseases that traditionally happen among the already severely ill, and often due to ongoing air pollution.

Here is the introduction from Bhakdi’s interview, “Coronavirus COVID-19 - hype and hysteria? Demystification of the nightmare!”, March 19, 2020.
Q: Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, you are an infectious disease specialist. You are one of the most cited medical disease specialists in Germany… What are Coronaviruses?

BhakdiThese viruses co-exist with humans and animals around the globe. The viruses are the cause of very common minor diseases of the respiratory tract… A new member is on stage spreading fear around the world.

Q: Why?

Bhakdi: The new COVID-19 originated in China and spread rapidly. It appeared to be accompanied by an unexpected high number of deaths. Alarming reports followed from Northern Italy that concurred with the Chinese experience. It must, however, be pointed out that the large majority of outbreaks in other parts of the world appeared to display lower mortality rates.

Q: Why “appeared" to display mortality rates?
Bhakdi: When patients concurrently have other illnesses, an infectious agent must not be held solely responsible for a lethal outcome. This happens for COVID-19, but such a conclusion is false and gives rise to the danger that other important factors are overlooked. Different mortality rates may well be due to different local situations. For example, what does northern Italy have in common with China? Answer: Horrific air pollution. The highest in the world. Northern Italy is the China of Europe…
Q: The highest alert level has been declared and extreme preventative measures have been installed in the desperate attempt to slow the spread of this virus.

Bhakdi: Yes, and this is the incredible tragedy. Because all these measures are actually senseless…
Bhakdi is saying that, historically, coronaviruses "co-exist with humans" and they are not commonly known for serious effects. He says that a positive test result is "not the disease".

Dr. Birx, while representing the Federal Administration, inadvertently stated that deaths and disease are diagnosed as COVID-19 largely by mere association with a positive test result.

Thus, even in the mainstream, virus-believing world, a "case" is not necessarily the disease, and any COVID-19 disease is not necessarily due to COVID-19.

Thus, the advertised pandemic is, to an unknown degree, a pandemic of testing. Yet, from the standpoint of the pollution thesis, there is a real pollution pandemic, of which the test would be measuring residual biological responses (falsely interpreted as COVID-19 antibodies).


"Case" is misleading, because cases are not well defined. A mere positive for an already ill person is enough for a COVID-19 diagnosis. "Death" is more accurate, because death is more likely to be associated with definitive symptoms like fever and lung damage.

Cases and deaths are misleading, for example: NY Times, "Morning Briefing" (4/23/2020):
...the US outbreak... by far the world's largest...
All public information outlets should be using the word “incidence”.

Incidence reveals disease intensity, disease per population. It reveals patterns that point to toxic sources. Fracked fuel exhaust correlates with deaths. 

The US may be "the largest" (outside of China), but it is much farther down the list in terms of incidence. If US refinery epicenters were subtracted, US incidence would be “the smallest” in the world. 

Incidence again

New York City incidence is much higher than US incidence. Therefore, what is different about New York City? 


EPA/DEC data, as portrayed by PropertyShark

Caveat: Spill maps are good for earth pollution studies, but do not always accurately indicate present active hazards. There is a political element. For assertive discussion, Example 1: The green area is high-value real-estate in Manhattan, on the east side, Stuyvesant Town, 11,000 apartment buildings. This is the former site of a manufactured gas plant (MGP), which in my opinion, should be designated a still hazardous Superfund Site (a risk if one lives near ground level). Example 2: Brooklyn Naval Yard is the former site of shipbuilders during WWI and WWII and further back in history for 400 years. It shows on the map as an area of relative non-concern. Example 3: Fifty refineries once operated near Greenpoint and Williamsburg (Brooklyn) during the pre-regulatory era. Chemical spills are the largest in US history. The map doesn’t represent the risks of that polluted earth appropriately.

The map is a great contribution to research. However, maps of disease incidence are the best indicators of pollution, and for that reason, Departments of Health do not publish detailed maps. They claim patient privacy. But such revealing data could be omitted or anonymized.

Population density

Challenge: Air pollution is already acknowledged as a cofactor for COVID-19 disease. Incidence is high in NYC because it has a higher population density, and thus, social distance is not maintained well and the virus spreads more efficiently.

Answer: Population density is not a common denominator. A comparison of the five NYC boroughs refutes the theory of population density. The boroughs are all within a small geographical area, sharing a common environment in terms of above-ground air pollution.

Manhattan is highest density and lowest incidence. The Bronx is half the density of Manhattan and nearly twice the incidence

Manhattan has more people located on higher floors, away from earth pollution. 

The Bronx has more people located on lower floors near earth pollution. It is nearer to the newly installed upwind electric power plants.

Metaphorically, New York City is a Petri dish of poisoned vulnerables who are revealed by the application of a dye of toxic fracked-fuel exhaust. They are revealed in terms of their morbidity and mortality.

Canadian epicenters provide another contradiction for those who believe population density supports the infectious paradigm. Vancouver, with the highest population density has very low COVID-19 incidence. North Montreal, with its lower population density, has the highest incidence. The crucial difference: North Montreal is an environmental disaster, with many oil refineries near.

5G not primary cause

Some assert that electromagnetic fields (EMF) from 5G are causing the pandemic.

This is unlikely because 5G protocol was not substantially present in all the epicenters, and the 60GHz frequency, the form of 5G that would purportedly cause COVID-19 symptoms, was not yet deployed.

5G is not a common denominator.

Spain delays 5G

Telecoms article title: "Orange Spain not going to be rushed into 5G fracas"
Although we have been talking about 5G for years, realistically the ecosystem is still immature. Stand-alone standards are still embryonic, spectrum has not been aligned perfectly, telcos are still fibering networks, the 5G core is non-existent and the radio technology is not good enough. [Sept 25, 2019]
See the 5G deployment map of Madrid during the COVID-19 pandemic. Madrid vies with Italy and Wuhan for the world’s highest incidence of COVID-19 death. Yet 5G was minimally deployed. This map, updated daily, represents the network of only one of Madrid's four telecom companies, the only one that had installed 5G as of 4/7/2020.

5G deployment is portrayed in blue.

The map shows that 5G accounts for less than 0.5 percent of WiFi installation in Madrid during the epidemic, and there is no information regarding the frequencies employed.

Spanish friends tell me 5G to be implemented throughout Spain in October 2020.

Sweden delays 5G
Sweden decides to delay 5G spectrum allocation [Telecoms 9/18/2019]
Electromagnetic smog, whether it arrives from 4G or 5G routers, or power EMF from cables and devices, can generate biological hypersensitivity to toxic chemicals. EMF could thereby cause COVID-like symptoms such as respiratory symptoms and fever. The map demonstrates that electro-smog can only be a contributor to the pandemic, not a primary cause.

The self-quarantines and lockdowns could increase electro-smog (as a causative trigger), when people live their lives through social media, sitting near high-EMF computer monitors and Internet routers, increasing EMF stress. The official guidelines are “stay connected” but “self-isolated”.

Higher frequencies (presumed with 5G) are more readily absorbed by the skin, which attenuates EMF energy (through skin damage), protecting the lungs and other organs. 

Those who promote that 5G is the pandemic trigger assert that high 5G frequencies, such as 60GHz, caused the pandemic by splitting oxygen molecules, rendering oxygen useless for lungs to absorb. However, they misread their own supporting study. [JB][SF]

EMF frequencies can split oxygen molecules, but the study cited does not say that this effect renders oxygen useless, and it does not describe the extent of this effect in terms of the lung public. It only says that oxygen absorbs 60GHz. [60GHzStudy

60GHz is not implemented widely anyway, even in those areas where 5G has been implemented.

Some 5G articles appear to be purposely inaccurate as if to discredit real 5G theorists.

I have challenged several 5G causation proponents, including Arthur Firstenberg, and have yet to receive a reply.

An EMF cofactor trigger for "COVID"

It just struck me... (2/24/2021) the brutality of 'COVID', as a serious deep state military op.
EMF examples
In 2019, a fire department regulation was set in New York City: All public housing was required to have a new central command smoke detector technology installed. Every apartment, every room.
A friend showed me his housing complex and room. Even though a modern electronic system already existed, the complex was required to install, at a cost of $10K per room, these detectors. No aesthetics were involved. 2" pipes (power and signal) were run right through rooms, attached to the ceiling.
In the middle of every room ceiling there was mounted a detector. The EMF emitted from these was substantial and running 24/7.
This made NO SENSE unless you only wanted to create EMF disease. Beautifully designed buildings were destroyed by this process.
Many of the buildings were fire-proof, being concrete walls, floors and ceilings.
At the time, I had visions of tenants getting ill, freaking out, and jumping out of windows. Systems went online at the end of 2019, just before COVID hit. I visited NYC in April 2021. My friend said, without prompting, that ambulances were taking tenants out of the building multiple times per week for emergency health disasters.

In another EMF instance, I interviewed a person with COVID-like respiratory disease where she was obviously suffering from high air pollution, as I too could feel its severity. I visited her apartment and found her sleeping quarter near Internet WiFi modem/router, with cables running near and many wall warts. Getting her to unplug all that brought instant relief from insomnia and clear progress towards diminishing COVID pneumonia symptoms.

EPA halts enforcement
As COVID epidemics began in early 2020, the EPA halted its enforcement against industrial air polluters -- during a respiratory epidemic!


Thanks for reading this environmental exploration of the COVID-19 pandemic. Feel free to comment.


Statistical data will be out of date by time the reader encounters this study. However, any changes in the COVID-19 landscape can be explained by 1) Changes in the fracked fuel market, which has been going through heavy economic disruption during the pandemic. Regions that did not buy fracked oil may be buying due to reduced prices of oil from bankrupt fracked fuel industries. 2) A change in refinery protocols, per epicenter. 3) Increased COVID-19 testing, changing test protocols, and, of course, faked positive test results.

As of April 2020, it appears that air pollution levels are down in many epicenters and with declining deaths. Continuing case counts are likely being driven by media panic, biased (if not fraudulent) diagnoses, testing which produces ill-defined "cases", and residual illness from prior pollution increases.

As of August 21, 2020, despite Sweden being misrepresented by Fake News as a failure, its death rate is now nearly ZERO without mask mandates and the other absurd measures! See my 8/21/2020 Sweden update.

This study is unique and original. See statement.

Additional references.

Thanks to Adam Crazz, Gary Krasner (CFIC), Anthony Brink, Chris Rawlins, and Tedd Koren. Thanks for the extensive works of Jon Rappoport and David Crowe.

Jim West is an environmentalist, medical critic, and former chairman of the science committee of The NoSpray Coalition in New York City, which litigated against the City of New York re its helicopter-driven pesticide campaigns. His work has been featured by ABC News, The Townsend Letter for Doctors, Greenmedinfo, Nexus, CrazzFiles, and other publications. He originated the arcane concept of “DDT/Polio” in the modern era, and is known for his ground-breaking research into the hazards of prenatal ultrasound.

Disclaimer: The author is not an authority or professional. For medical advice, see a trusted professional without delay. All statements are hypotheses for discussion. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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  1. excellent article, thankyou for seeing and reporting sensible information.

  2. It's clear by now that the purpose of OPERATION COVID is not about Public Health.

    The funny aspect to also highlight is the WHO number of estimated deaths due to AIR POLLUTION ~8,000,000 per year, and YET, they NEVER DONE ANYTHING about that.

    Great article and info

    1. Hopefully there is a cross-purpose to the shutdown and masks.

  3. I'm surprised that this blog is still available!

    1. Some report that this linked in Facebook follows with a "Banned Content" message.

    2. Yes. Banned on Facebook (tried to post on 22/5/20) - Facebook browser app and Messenger app

    3. Here is a "dot" link:

      harvoa-med dot blogspot dot com/2020/04/COVID2020.html

  4. Another great job, Jim.
    Best, Anthony.

  5. Do you have any data and analysis of Ecuador? the epicenter was the state of Guayas, and the city of Guayaquil (3 million pop in the city).

    1. "COVID-19", as evidence of pollution (air or earth spills), seems to some degree, to support the lawsuit in Ecuador against Chevron.

      A NYC judge Kaplan, apparently corrupt, has put an environmental lawyer under arrest in favor of Chevron.

      "Indigenous Ecuadoreans sued Texaco [now Chevron], accusing the company of turning the region’s rainforests into a “toxic waste dump..."

  6. Excellent article with good references. A valuable addition to the COVID issue that is being completely disregarded. How surprising that all of the so-called "environmentalists" on the left who are pushing the Green New Deal, never give consideration to these facts, I write facetiously. Thanks for your good work. I will be passing this reference on to others.

  7. Hi Jim, this is great work, thanks. Have you had a chance to look into the indoor air pollution issue in nursing homes and other buildings? A study was done in Europe 5 years ago:

    Also, "Sick Building Syndrome" is well studied and can affect some nursing homes and hospitals. So some healthcare facilities in highly polluted urban areas will be ventilating with polluted air both outside and inside the building leading to higher risk of death. Just some food for thought.

    1. Thanks for refs. I was surprised years ago to read that indoor air pollution is usually more hazardous than outdoor. But eventually I understood (via school of hard knocks): Stove, boiler, room heaters, construction solvents, A/C sterilizers, and earth pollution.

    2. Yes, but the pandemic trigger would be a global synchronized stressor, elevated.

    3. And now more than ever, EMF from smartmeters, modem/routers, monitors, lighting with switchmode circuitry, etc.

  8. Hello Mr. West--Just went thru your data via an article that Jon Rappoport wrote. I am also involved with a group here in northern California who are looking at legal remedies to the shut-down[current lawsuit by Dhillon Law Grp against Newsom and 44 other state officials]. NYC is keeping the covid fear narrative alive. I keep hearing doctors make comments regarding alleged covid symptoms [hypoxia, blood won't clot, lost of smell, skin rashes, etc.] with the inevitable doctor(s) comment, "I have never seen symptoms like these before". My question to anyone who can answer it--what are they seeing [beyond the hypoxia, rashes, etc.]-What are these pandemic related NYC symptoms that they have never seen before? I believe answering that question can better help us to determine the cause [fracking, etc.]--while also prepares us to counter the next leg of the NWO takeover. Regards, GaryS please send response to (

    1. I'm made many additions here, which might help answer your questions, re cyanide.

    By CAB

    All of Dr. Judy Mitkovits’ Dr. Buttar’s videos are key. The life you save may be your own or your children’s or your elderly parents’. The sicker they make us, the more money the greedy $ystem and Frankenstein doctors can rake in. The U.S. govt has been stockpiling giant coffins to put our bodies in, building FEMA camps to take us away to kill us.
    Pray to God to protect the oldest and youngest of our society. Elderly get pushed around,forced into institutions and force-drugged. Same for little kids. I am in my 70s, and I was kidnapped and force drugged for no reason, my health ruined, medical racketeering.

    DO NO HARM: No price is high enough to make up for stealing away a person’s health. First rule of medicine has been: DO NO HARM! It’s not okay to steal away people’s health – and most autism is a direct result of nasty vaccines and poisons forced on children and little babies from birth. Even before they are born the docs want to poke needles into the womb to look for excuses to abort (kill) the baby.

    Multitudes of sick kids aren't autistic because of defective genes, but because they were poisoned by drugs.

    I’m angry over the constant attack on children and the elderly -- and now they want to get everyone lined up.

    MEDICAL RACKETEERING: Now 10 months later after literally kidnapping me and confining me for two weeks in a hospital, I still have cysts, bloody pus coming out of my arm from the nasty poisons forced into me for no reason. My gut was ruined from the first day, and 10 months later it’s no better. I was in good health and had a great memory before that happened--but now I am a wreck.

    The System is way over the top. They love to get their hands on the elderly, do procedures on them, drug them, and if we die or get permanent damages, they blame the victim for being too young (with bad genes as they claim) or too old, and they get away with doing anything they want.

    A person who is elderly w/ cancer especially, they can carve person up like a Christmas turkey and keep billing health insurance for every cut.

    The System is holding up a big bribe to these crazy doctors to operate and medicate us all literally to death.

    When are people going to wake up and stop worshipping these medical people? How many of our friends must die in the hospitals before we wake up and realize these doctors from Hell are not our friends, and start looking after ourselves and our own health and that of our children? And stop joining the military and sticking out your arms to let them shoot all their poisons into you. People who join the military to go traveling around to be killing and rounding people up in foreign nations, perhaps deserve to be ruined by forced inoculations as ‘government property.’ But little children and the elderly are innocent victims. And pastors who bless the men and women who sign up to proudly wear a military uniform and travel the globe in search of people to bomb and kill – are not serving Christ – but Satan instead.

    PS: Watch videos ASAP, Dr. Buttar and Dr. Judy Mitkovits. Cancel your‘health insurance’–eat right. God didn’t make our bodies to thrive on nasty viruses, aborted baby tissue, sick monkey viruses, a witches brew Dr. Frankenstein-concocted poison from Hell.

    1. David Crowe reveals Mikovitz's severe weaknesses during her interview. She has an uncomfortable hour:

    2. Is there a transcript of this episode?

    3. I much doubt there is a transcript. But important info is Judy's nervous BS laughter as she spins.

  10. "So what else could have caused the pandemic?" The used antimalarials can cause hypoxia and ventilation can cause lung and kidney damage. Excess deaths because of a lack of staff in nursery homes due to the virus meme.

    The outbreak started in Wuhan because it has a lab from which the virus could have been released, making the virus look real. Compare with Stefan Lanka:

    "The dispute over who discovered HIV (2), was a distraction from the question of whether the virus actually exists at all. The public was impressed that if a President and a Prime Minister (3) had to meet to resolve attribution, then the thing they were negotiating about must be real."

    Obviously it was easy to find some patients in polluted Wuhan...

  11. Yes quinone could perhaps synergistically work with air pollution.

    1. Also, lung ultrasound is being done on COVID-19 patients. Could be quite destructive to lung cell membranes.

    2. Update: Lung ultrasound is still in the advocacy and testing stage I believe.

  12. Hi Jim, as for the possibility of 5G being the, or a contributing, cause: aren't we all possibly subjected to the 5G radiation of the swarm of mr Elon Musks StarLink satellites? Which btw use the higher frequencies of up to 40 Ghz.

  13. Hi Jim, you stated that in your opinion 5G is not likely to be the, or a contributing, cause for the COVID symptoms because of 5G is just now starting to roll out across the globe. However aren't we already (at least possibly) being subjected to the 5G radiation of the StarLink swarm of satellites, thanks to mr Elon Musk? These satellites use (or will use) higher frequencies than the 5G systems rolled out on the ground (up to 40Ghz).

    1. Yes, a contributing background contributor... unless someone can show a trigger correlation with the epicenters.

  14. Yes EMF in any industrial form is a stressor, but does 5G in any form correlate reliably with the epicenters? I don't see it. There are only weak "review" that actually undermine any serious attempt to study 5G.

    The fracked fuel hypothesis is, so far, always confirmed by further study, whenever there is a contradiction. For example I was wondering about Canada, because there is such a difference in disease incidence. Vancouver, with the highest population density is very low disease incidence. Look at the highest incidence in Canada and you have North Montreal, and many oil refineries, an area like NYC, where the earth is likely heavily poisoned by refinery spills. And the air, of course is contaminated.

  15. Excelent work ,it clears a lot of doubts.Thanks for your efort.

  16. That's pretty interesting, although the 1918 Flu pandemic originated at Fort Riley, Kansas, not New York. Likely the result of a failed meningitis vaccine experiment by the Rockerfeller Institute.

  17. Started at a military fort. At the end of every war, an epidemic occurs. Treatment for flu then was chlorine and lead compounds. Aspirin high dose was also a treatment. Arsenic water was a 'tonic'.

    1. When you say chlorine and lead compounds are you referring to calomel or something else? I know that treating the "Spanish flu" with calomel has been implicated in making things worse but as far as I know that only had mercury, If you're referring to something else can you please specify it sounds interesting/another piece of the puzzle

    2. Immediately before the flu epidemic was a huge NYC-based polio epidemic (so often always epidemics in NYC).

      That correlated with the introduction of chlorine compounds everywhere.

    3. So did you know about how mercury/calomel pills were also a common thing to take for coughs at that time?

    4. Yes thanks. I have read that. Pills carried lead, mercury, arsenic, chlorine compounds and poisons derived from plants.

      "Medical authorities at the time recommended large doses of aspirin of up to 30 grams per day."

    5. And apparently the vaccines that the were given to the soldiers who fought in the great war and later on given to the general population contained liquid calomel; this is a quote from the late Dr. Dan Duffy Sr. "Soldiers DID die following the injections which contained mercurous chloride otherwise known as CALOMEL. There WAS a widespread campaign for mercury containing vaccines. There WAS also an outpouring of propaganda [such as our present day SARS, MONKEYPOX, SMALLPOX hype] to frighten the public, there WERE large numbers of deaths at the time, all blamed on “Spanish Flu”. Of course the Spanish Flu was just as bogus in the early 1900s as Swine Flu was in the 70s when President Ford faked his vaccination and helped set our country up for a REAL epidemic [vaccine induced, iatrogenic, Guillaine Barre syndrome]. Spanish Flu was as bogus as the more recent WEST NILE VIRUS, AIDS, SARS, SMALLPOX and MONKEYPOX is today. They are killing the innocent and the ignorant today, just as they have in the past. The deaths from the great flu epidemic of 1918 were caused by the use of CALOMEL, the major biological poison used to treat “sepsis” as it was called in those days. CALOMEL is mercurous chloride and was used by the medical quacks of that day for “anything that ailed you”. Mercury is a deadly poison."

    6. Duffy is great. Mercury in vaccines makes sense. Is there documentation by Duffy or anyone, re mercury in vaccines in 1918? Earliest I find is "1920s".

      After every war, soldiers are attacked, as they are enlightened politically, and coming back home, a threat to the entrenched powers.

      Examples: Agent orange after Vietnam. Polio after WWII, polio epidemics during the Battle of the Somme, and 'flu' after WWI.

    7. I'm not sure if there's documentation out there hopefully there is somewhere

  18. Jim,
    Thanks so much for your research. You and your readers may find affirmation of your cyanide hypothesis in the research and public presentations by Zach Bush, M.D. Dr. Bush has recently been concerned about the high correlation between cancers in the Mississippi watershed and the run-off of glyphosate in U.S. farmland in the watershed. Sorry, the video is over an hour. In it, he mentions that pre-Covid, he commented that a likely candidate for a disease outbreak would be Wuhan, SIMPLY on the basis of air pollution.

    Keep up the good work.

    All the best,
    John Cawley

  19. Thanks John, I will check this out! Yet, this gives me an opportunity to make a reality joke: The world has long been in a state of a horrid "pandemic" due to pollution. Only when this ongoing damage rises above the dismal norm, do medicos dramatize epidemics as an exception.

  20. Respectfully, I'll offer a challenge to the good doctor.

    He's getting good mileage as "THE DOCTOR WHO PREDICTED COVID-19".

    He is saying the right stuff by focusing on pollution. The pertinent statement of his prediction of COVID-19 in Wuhan, is not substantiated. See interview at 25:30. He stretches his terminology such as a "spray map of Roundup" and just before that flashes a factory stack billowing air pollution. Roundup is applied into the agricultural land, not through the air over the city of Wuhan. Unstated that this Roundup map represents a new toxic event correlating with the Wuhan epidemic of COVID-19.

    So yes he is correct in asserting a background stressor. But he is telling us wrongly that Wuhan is being brought to a point where a virus epidemic will break out. There is no virus. He complicates what should be a toxicological discussion and thereby defuses it.

    Yes, there is ongoing heavy pollution in Wuhan and at all the epicenters of this COVID pandemic, but he is not describing or documenting his discovery of a new toxic trigger event correlating with the epicenters.

    Using "microbiome" terminology and including "viruses", he is saying (in essence) what all dissidents are doing, which is describing a synergistic effect of virus and pollution. That's politically safe and even NY Times etc are saying that. See "Many studies" in my blog post.

    The pandemic problem is much simpler. We are being poisoned. "Viruses" are an unproven pile of hot air, due to missing toxicology at every step of proof.

    Bigtree, the interviewer, and his friends, Blaxil, Wakefield, etc, push the virus concept, generating a lot of smoke.

    Bush is a new angle to an old story (virus/pollution synergy).

    Wakefield's new angle is here:

    1. Edits to my above reply:

      "Unstated that this Roundup map represents a new toxic event correlating with the Wuhan epidemic of COVID-19."

      Should be:

      "Unsupported is that his claimed Roundup map represents a new toxic event correlating with the Wuhan epidemic of COVID-19."

      His prediction of the COVID pandemic is amazing, so wouldn't he want to support that claim with a document? The vid has tons of documentation, but mainly entertainment, no pertinent support for the prediction which is the title of the interview.

      As he describes his prediction, a photo of his earlier lecture is displayed, as he mentions his unshown "spray map of Roundup" for Central China. The photo shows his PowerPoint screen blanked out. What follows then is not the Roundup map, but a map of COVID hot spots in and around Wuhan.

  21. Dear Jim

    Thank you for producing this report. Any chance on updates? Any new research?

    Also, have you any research/information about ozonator air purifiers being used in hospitals and nursing homes? I don't believe these are a problem for most people, but I think they could be for those who have compromised lungs (such as in recovery, ICU or elderly in nursing and retirement homes). My thoughts are that this could exacerbate the situation and/or prolong recovery time from any attack on the respiratory system.

    I am a professional home baker and I have looked hard into finding something to purify the air in my home in the winter. As the house is heavy on CO2 due to the baking (and I can feel it due to symptoms I've had this winter and early spring) I have decided I do not need anymore oxygen depletion like ozonators (normally, I wouldn't see a problem). (Don't worry about us, we will have it solved before the cold weather arrives again.)

    My point is that I understand about oxygen deprivation on a daily basis and I think ozonators are a bad idea in places where patients are being treated for respiratory problems. I know many hospitals use them around the world. Do you think this could be a problem adding to the deaths of those already affected by various pollutants and lung diseases?

    Eagerly await your reply(ies) and any updates on burning and refingin fracked fuels, covid, HCN and NO2.


    AK in VT

  22. You cannot remove CO2 except my ventilation. You can get a CO2 meter that logs data into your computer 24/7. Such a meter saved my life and woke me up to the hazards of stoves and pilot lights.

    I tried an ozone device decades ago and I could feel the EMF radiation. Stoves produce many poisons. CO2 is the least toxic. Cooks live a risky life. Ventilation is difficult, requiring fresh air inputs and outputs. Winter flu can be from closing windows and vents due to cold temperatures.

    Medicine profits from beautiful impressive machines, which are mystical icons for the faithful, promising to reveal the hidden dangers, and they happen to emit high EMF. Lighting also in hospitals (and everywhere) tends to be LED or fluorescent and these have high EMF from switch-mode capacitors.

  23. Very good insights, Jim. They are an eye-opener. Thank you for your efforts.

    Post-lockdowns, death count also included a lot of deaths from stress and criminal medics in hospitals.

    This added to already bad situation from toxic air.

    1. Agreed. Cyanide triggered the epidemic, then ventilator/drug death expanded and dramatized the pandemic. I added this:

  24. Hi, Jim - very much appreciate all your painstaking, well-footed work! Also, that you can at least concede so-called '5G' exposures of longer sustenance as a contributing factor; results of my own deep contemplation and intensive research are alluded to in a reply to 'Investigate Europe', their entry suggesting 'conspiracy theories' are delegitimizing entirely understandable concerns about the long-term effects of millimeter-wavelengths and microwave radiation.....

    'Would fervently DISPUTE any assertion that there's NO relationship at all between COVID-19 attributes and so-called '5G' (more accurately, sustained / consistent higher-density millimeter-wavelength / microwave transmission exposures) - Dr. Magda Hava has established a VERY compelling
    correlation worthy of additional attempts at corroboration:

    It's my firm belief simple biophysics demonstrates that, given its CONSIDERABLY larger surface area / piezoelectric potential, this hybridized virus derives its expedient communicability and DEMONSTRATED (to certain populations) lethalness from greater disruption of KEY cytological processes utilizing EXPONENTIALLY smaller charges (Michael Levin's groundbreaking experiments revealing those to be .50 - .90 millivolts; source: NOVA Online) especially replication by producing a charge value higher than an average biologic's .75 volts (see LINK below to a March 2019 Nature magazine overview)

    instead reaching and possibly even eclipsing the late Robert Becker's 1.1 volts to cause what I refer to as 'electrolytic mutagenesis', SIGNIFICANTLY heightening likelihood of antibody autoimmune enhancement and, as the term might suggest, cancer.....

    .....when far TOO many officials are arriving at policy decisions based upon less-than-fully-informed conclusions from those charged with keeping THEM apprised, and COVID-19 continues to paralyze LARGE parts of our world BECAUSE there's SO much conflicting, incomplete information, I submit that a conclusive connection between it and 5G might actually cause them to SERIOUSLY reconsider an accelerated rollout - but then again, things have deteriorated societally to SUCH an extent in two weeks I can't say that with COMPLETE certainty, either.....'

    I welcome your thoughts, those of anyone else reading this Comment.

    1. Yes, I learned the hard way that EMF is hell. Professor Neal Cherry documents that ANY level of industrial EMF whatsoever permanently damages DNA/RNA. I can't stand a mere plugged-in lamp cord near me. But as a COVID pandemic trigger, its time/location doesn't quite fit.

      Magdas is great, but she doesn't follow through on her studies. In the link you provide, she doesn't control for pre-existing WiFi such as 4G, nor pre-existing EMF in general, nor air pollution.

      I have noticed that the lockdown does put people by their routers and computers. People have told me that they have cancer, muscle problems, etc, and after inquiring -- tell me they have a modem/router beside their bed.

      2020 is the 5G rollout year. So 5G symptoms are covered by covid (air pollution and diagnostic drama).

    2. You assert the existence of the COVID "hybridized virus", but please document the existence of the virus first.

    3. interesting counterpoint, Jim - not sure we've ever SEEN clear documentation of CV-19 but, I do know both Judy Mikovits and Jamie Lyons_Weiler (I've communicated with them this year) as well as Francis Boyle (author of the 1989 Bioweapons Treaty) have had an opportunity to examine what's at least OSTENSIBLY its genome, anyhow - I'm certain that a combination of modified SARS and SIV-HIV viruses, would indeed result in a bigger biologic with inherently greater surface potential.....

    4. So you do not know of COVID-19 existence.

    5. James Lyons-Weiler promotes vaccines.

    6. No, not at all - he is a VANGUARD for PRESERVING consent / the right to REFUSE them, and actively seeking to understand how non-conventional alternative modalities affect biologics, fundamental functions (although my own experiences with that of almost a quarter-century, have corroborated MUCH of what's ALREADY known.....)

    7. Weiler promotes funding for vaccines, and he continues blabbing about viruses without establishing their existence.

  25. Personally, no - but I absolutely trust the aforementioned's acknowledgement of it; ALL, are beyond deceit (esepcially Mikovits, who;s been deceived herself by Fauci TWICE now)indeed, Jamie modified his earlier conclusion about CV-19's constituency.....

    1. David Crowe interviewed Mikovits, getting her to reveal her faults.

    2. .....Lipkin's admission to the validity of her findings CONFIRMING an 85% presence in study patients to a CDC audience, is a matter of SOME public record; trying to SUBPOENA or obtain it through FOIA measures, may be a BIG challenge, admittedly - the retroviruses identified (INCLUDING those promoting cancer and HIV with which Salk & Sabin GIFTED all humanity 66 years ago) are very MUCH real, unfortunately.....

    3. "BULL" doesn't say much, if you'd like to try again.

    4. An "admission" to an audience is not worth considering as scientific documentation.

    5. As you must know, your ex-cathedra statement that viruses are "very much real", is not valid documentation. You should have some impressive text from a study, for example, that convinced you that COVID-19 is real.

    6. last note for the time being - would seem that Andrew Kaufman, SHARES your misgivings as to whether any 'viral' confirmation has been achieved - and to be clear, Jim, I remain entirely open-minded as to such a possibility myself; goal for me is to ascertain the precise EMF pathological catalysts REGARDLESS of its nature.....

    7. Return when you have some text from a study which convinced you that COVID-19 is real. This supposed "virus" is the base of the discussion.

  26. .....while it's HARD to take lots of certainty from the methods being used to diagnose new cases of this.....monstrosity, its origin STILL unknown (although you've certainly provided some INVALUABLE insights of your own) possible that fracking byproducts could explain Texas' flare-up of late - but, HOW does it account for FL? No, there are those formerly or otherwise, associated with the military asserting that what's colloquially referred to as 'smart dust' (nanoparticulates arguably now infesting MOST Americans, residents of other countries) is, or soon will be, utilized to REGULARLY trigger such disease states, possibly with a viciously vindictive targeting measure.....would NOT put implementing such a despicable technology past a HOST of sociopaths (above all, Gates) infecting our lives for DECADES now.....

    1. Before going further outward, please document the virus' existence, as requested.

    2.'s a link to multiple images of it - yeah, I know: hard to trust the SOURCE; am working on other items.....

    3. No studies are cited there.

    4. Hello,
      Nice images. Can you see that what they call ‘virus’ comes in all shapes and sizes (even in the same image, let alone the differences in disparate images!), and even in 1 or 2 images, you can see them budding off from each other? This is an indication that they are not ‘viruses’.
      I am seeing extra cellular vesicles and exosomes, no ‘virus’ and obviously nothing isolated.

  27. Great write up. I dont remember how I found this site but Im glad i did. There is no Coronavirus or COVID-19, or at least there is no trust worthy scientific evidence of such things. Please everyone do not abide by the arbitrary measures that have been put in place to mitigate the spread of this so called virus. NO MASKS NO DISTANCING. Do not let them divide us. The recent uptick in cases and deaths are CONTRIVED.

  28. I keep a mask handy and display it to the degree it is "socially" necessary. It's an interesting threshold to ride.

  29. Hi Jim

    Is it possible that hospitals having introduced 5G last year for their in-house communications (wireless patient to monitor and monitor to nurses' stations as well as phone communication within the hospitals could be a contributing factor to "covid" deaths for the following reason:

    90% + (depends on study) of 5G radio wave transmission is absorbed by oxygen. This is why so many transmittors are needed to blanket an area in order that the waves are enough o reach their intended directions.

    Might this affect the oxygen in a location by making much of it non-viable for our cardio-pulmonary system? -- making the surrounding air oxygen poor. This would be especially bad in rooms and wards where persons suffering from low oxygen and/or mechanical lung function are trying to heal or recover.



  30. It makes 5G at 80Ghz unavailable, not the oxygen, so much. See the related science.

    Yes there is an ongoing EMF holocaust, the trigger was air pollution.

  31. Thank you for this and other work analysing and exposing "epidemic" cover stories. Hugely appreciated. :) Horrifying how invisible to wider pop, and how ignored or even banned on msm and some social media.:(

  32. It's Now 1 November 2020 and a BBC article highlights research with a similar finding. But Facebook - the Oracle of all science - decided to block this article, because it is "spam".

    1. Mark, thanks, however, the mainstream is describing LONG-term air pollution as a contributing factor. They are not looking at the SHORT-term air pollution trigger, for which COVID-19 virus serves as a cover story.

      Long-term pollutants contribute to all diseases, but as chronic poisoning. They don't challenge virus causation for a specific epidemic.

      Thus I'm blocked, and BBC is not.

    2. Many articles and studies (via NY Times, Washington Post, etc) are declaring LONG-term air pollution to be the primary cofactor for COVID-19.

  33. Ingri Cassel (Vaccine Liberation) emailed me her comment: "I am reading The Contagion Myth and they make a pretty compelling case that there is a 5G connection, and I am seeing it in our own state in terms of increased cases where the small cell towers are going up and activated."

    Jim West: 5G is another horror, but I don't see it correlating as the initial trigger for the epidemic as explained above in this post.

  34. Stu Summer wrote:

    Jim, I appreciate all that you are saying. I think an essential piece is to circle back to the fracked oil/cyanide connection and the changed emissions. Can you do that? Has someone taken that further, building on your work? It remains there as an assertion but needs documentation.

    1. You're probably thinking 5G is a better explanation.

      Yes, 5G and all industrial EMF are hell.

      We agree that the novel virus is a cover for a novel pollutant, and
      that the novel pollutant must be present at all epicenters.

      That excludes 5G (not consistently present).

      High volumes of refinery cyanide emissions is novel.
      It can be regulated at all epicenters.
      It causes COVID-19 symptoms.


      Table correlates symptoms with COVID-19:

      Table correlates location and timing with COVID-19:


      What other novel and present pollution source could cause COVID-19?

    2. Stu, I don't have further work on this topic. Journalists have stated that it is virtually impossible to get information from fracking industry. NY Times stated in an article a few months ago that emerging fracking industry in PA is being done top secret to avoid publicity. For years, even fracking chemical ingredients were not publicly available.

    3. Also note... People are confusing SHORT-term trigger pollution with LONG-term pollution and FUTURE EMERGING pollution.

      I'm just looking for the most-likely short-term pollution trigger for 2019 and early 2020.

      After the trigger got the pandemic rolling, then hype, changing test protocols, panic, and occasional short-term injections -- could continue the epidemic.

    4. I would have liked to contact you for coop on this, but your contact form does not seem to work?

  35. There seem to be many COVID deaths reported in CA. But the EPA toxic release levels indicate the amount of cyanide released in the air was a lower total amount of pounds in 2019 than in 2016. In 2016 hydrogen cyanide release was 7% of 7.7 million pounds. In 2016 hydrogen cyanide release was 7% of 7.1 million pounds.

    1. Thanks for the data, however, COVID hit CA in 2020, correct?

  36. Hey do you remember how in the middle of last year it was saying on the news that there was a big spike in "Covid" deaths in Indonesia? Well that was in the months following a massive fire at an oil refinery in Indonesia

    1. Good find. Such things are never considered during a 'virus' epidemic, of course.

      When COVID symptoms appeared in Wuhan, they never considered that respiratory disease could be caused by the intense pollution there. It took three years for 'scientists' to conjure up a COVID virus.

  37. In the mainstream, virus-believing world, there was also this guy

  38. In February last year a beloved singer and songwriter in Serbia named Đorđe Balašević got ill and died with his death being described as a COVID death and he loved in the town of Novi Sad which Has is where one of Serbia's three oil refineries are. It seems to have pretty unclean air; To be fair this article was written later in the year but it gives you a good idea of the air quality there

    1. Bingo! -->> "Fracking... unlimited in Serbia"

    2. I checked out his singing, nice.

      Musicians are also buried in EMF with studio electronics, electric guitars, fluorescent and LED lighting with switchmode circuitry.

    3. I met a woman in a club and she was disabled, age about 40. She was crippled like other EMF victims I've met, and and example is Allan Holdsworth, the famous super electrified guitarist.

      She said she was very successful with her country singing career. Then suddenly, she crashed.

      I suggested eloquently, EMF as cause. She seemed to believe me, and she sat silently for five minutes, then she asked, "EMF is everywhere, correct"? I said, "Yes." She sat back with a smile and a sense of satisfaction -- that she was guilt-free and needn't seek to resolve her problem. This excuse "EMF is everywhere" is to me, an incredibly strange way to dodge the conversation, very disappointing, but it is very common. I think this answer resolves the conflict that is felt by Fromm's "authoritarian personality type", which has trouble with any info coming from a non-mainstream source. They'd rather die.

    4. Unlimited in Serbia well that sure explains a lot. I know somebody from Vojvodina and she tells me the water in her hometown is totally unbearable to drink. Yes he sure did make nice music

    5. I just learned that another musician in the former Yugoslavia died around the same time with his being described as a COVID death He lived in Skopje which is up there with cities like Milan,202%20days%20in%20the%20city.

    6. Thanks, and on the same page, below, is ANOTHER violinist who died in Santa Monica, CA (adjacent Los Angeles) -- Guido Lamell. He was 68 and died of a "sudden heart attack".

  39. If it was air pollution, why only now?, nothing has changed substantially since 2019 in terms of pollution, if anything it has decreased.
    5g on the other hand has been deployed in many places, Australia had a massive roll out as we were locked down by the government.
    There are also many declassified military videos that talk about EMF radiation used as a weapon.

    1. You haven't read hardly a word of this post, that you are commenting on.

  40. The only pollution theory I support is chemtrails, in the UK there has been a correlation between increase spraying of chemtrails and increase in respiratory deceases.

  41. So you truly believe 5g purpose is just to give us faster internet?

  42. The waxines are the weapon, haven't you seen the documents published by Veritas?, Moderna has the patent for the virus.


Water consumption: Lifestyle or Toxicity?

   by Jim West   (please share and cite) Hypothesis (as always) A  mainstream belief by (mostly) women is 1) increase water consumption for...