Wednesday, April 10, 2019

New York Measles 2019: Environment Omitted

by Jim West (please share and cite)

Worldwide, measles incidence has risen 300% for 2018-2019. (WHO)

The major U.S. epicenters are in New York State.
  • Williamsburg (Brooklyn, NY)
  • Borough Park (Brooklyn, NY)
  • East Ramapo (Rockland County, NY)

No science supports virus causation for measles. [ref]

What else could cause the epidemics?  Chen (2017) suggests air pollution.

New Pollution at New York Epicenters

  • A new power plant opens.
  • The use of toxic fracking gas fuel increases.
  • A new fracking pipeline opens.
  • EPA remediation disturbs Superfund site pollution.
  • Record-high petroleum production and export.

Modified refinery protocols may have been applied globally, related to fracking. High toxicity fracking fuel used in power plants increases outdoor air pollution. Used in stoves and boilers, it increases indoor pollution.

Lower temperatures in late 2018, as the measles season begins, drives the closing of windows, thereby increasing indoor air pollution arriving from unusual levels of earth pollution.

Historically constant pollution

  • Power plants are near and upwind.
  • EPA Superfund sites indicate a legacy of poisoned earth and water, leading to indoor air pollution.
  • Manufactured Gas Plants (MGP), defunct, became Superfund sites.
  • Refineries, defunct, became Superfund sites.

Superfund sites correlate with epicenter cases.

Medical Drama in Williamsburg

The epidemics began late 2018 and continues to date (7/29/2019). It is possible that New York may complete a 12-month epidemic, which would be unusual because measles is supposedly a seasonal disease.

In the days leading to April 9, 2019, measles incidence spiked in the Brooklyn neighborhoods of Williamsburg and Borough Park.

No environmental study was conducted. [DOH, personal communication]

Instead, New York Mayor de Blasio dramatically pushed an emergency measles vaccine mandate on Williamsburg. Those not vaccinated were subject to $1000 fines.

The Washington Post (4/11/2019)
New York City has had 285 cases since October 2018, virtually all of them in Brooklyn, since the outbreak began. Of those, 229 were reported this year, accounting for nearly half of the 465 cases that have been reported nationwide in 2019. 
The New York Times (4/9/2019)
For months, New York City officials have been fighting a measles outbreak in ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities in Brooklyn, knowing that the solution — the measles vaccine — was not reaching its target audience.
They tried education and outreach, working with rabbis and distributing thousands of fliers to encourage parents to vaccinate their children. They also tried harsher measures, like a ban on unvaccinated students from going to school.
But with measles cases still on the rise and an anti-vaccination movement spreading, city health officials on Tuesday took a more drastic step to stem one of the largest measles outbreaks in decades.

The Brooklyn Eagle, April 9, 2019
“If people ignore our order,” [the Mayor] added, “We will issue fines.” As part of the declaration, every unvaccinated person living in the ZIP codes 11205, 11206, 11211 and 11249 — regardless of whether they have been exposed to the infection — are required to receive the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine to stymie the outbreak.
The overwhelming problem is Williamsburg,” De Blasio said. “This is a challenge we see in Brooklyn. In other boroughs we’ve seen no cases. It’s much more a Williamsburg problem than a Borough Park problem.”

Poisoned Legacy Under Williamsburg

Brooklyn Navy Yard (BNY) was categorized as "Worst in the U.S." by ScoredCard. See photo of BNY during WWII (

Building elevations range 4 to 20 feet near BNY. Industrial effluents could flow from BNY, from an MGP, and from chemical industries at 5th street near the river -- to the positions under these buildings. See recent Aerial Photo with 2019 Measles Epicenter outlined:

In 1995, NYDEC classed BNY as a Superfund site for environmental cleanup. Toxic soil was replaced and water was tested for PCBs and declared safe. EPA removed BNY from Superfund status, claiming to have remediated the site.

Earth Plumes

Since the 1600s and through the great wars, BNY area has been polluted with VOCs, halogenated compounds, PCBs, cadmium, mercury, lead, arsenic, etc.. These continue to poison the earth and air via earth plumes present-day. Four centuries of toxic waste were dumped into the earth before EPA even existed.
President John Adams first commissioned the Brooklyn Navy Yard in 1801, but activity at Wallabout Basin [now BNY] actually dates back to before then. In fact, long before then: The deed for the sale of Wallabout Basin dates back to 1637. The Dutch and the British used the shipyard for mercantile shipping. [Secrets of New York]
BNY shipwork became private in 1966 and was halted in 1979, as BNY went dormant for a few decades when the City bought it, anticipating its use as a business area.

Earth plumes continue migrating deep and outward thousands of feet and if mixed with water, then miles. Earth plumes emit gases 24/7 into the air, indoors and outdoors. This pollution increases during slow or dead winds and during low air pressure conditions (barometric).

Earth plumes are an obvious risk. The following is a commonsense scenario for three floor levels.

Basement apartments are illegal in New York City for environmental reasons, yet the City's building code does not mention earth plumes.
Occupants of illegal basement and cellar apartments face potential dangers such as carbon monoxide poisoning, inadequate light and ventilation, and inadequate egress in the event of a fire.
The EPA claims "remediation" of Superfund sites. Having reviewed elsewhere, other instances of plume/disease correlations and remediation, it is clear that remediation is difficult if not impossible to complete. Remediation itself is a toxic process, attempting to drive gases out of the ground into the atmosphere using high-pressure fans over a long period, and attempting to separate chemicals from the groundwater.

This NY Times photo shows a "separator" machine used for remediation at the Newtown Creek Superfund site near the northern border area of Williamsburg. This machine is like a cream separator, separating toxic water from toxic petrochemicals. (NY Times photo modified with text rendered inside.)

The Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant is located 2,000 feet north of Williamsburg. Chemical plumes can travel miles underground. The measles epidemic is well within range of these plumes and this area represents the largest chemical spillage in the history of the U.S. Spills in this area have been occurring since 1840 and it has taken 1.5 centuries to report these spills.

Remediation can mean extracting obvious contamination and replacing topsoil. This is insufficient when plumes can be miles long and hundreds of feet deep.

Remediation is political. It can placate the public when real estate profit is at issue. This is New York City real estate, potentially worth trillions. An example of such politics could well be Stuyvesant Town (Manhattan). Though being a former MGP site since the 1840s the EPA did not categorize Stuyvesant Town as a Superfund site. It did however, remediate the site, replacing top soil and measuring vapors.

Most of the Superfund sites mentioned in this article have been declared remediated or otherwise removed from Superfund status, however, water is not entirely remediated, and regarding earth plumes, The American Petroleum Institute states,
40 to 80% of a product spill may be retained in soils.
Most of the Superfund sites mentioned in this article have been declared remediated or otherwise removed from Superfund status.

EPA/DEC misrepresentation

The DEC sometimes misrepresents its data, thereby protecting industry. For example, while studying air pollution and "West Nile virus" bird deaths, I found that DEC had modified all of its air pollution maps, greatly diminishing disease correlations. I visited and spoke to the Chief of the EPA regional headquarters and was told such modifications were "impossible". A few weeks later the Chief emailed me an apology. DEC had indeed massively modified the maps in a way that substantially diminished correlations of air pollution with West Nile disease events.

Another example: After 911, EPA declared The World Trade Center site safe, though later EPA admitted having misrepresented air quality to maintain business and to keep cleanup crews operational. Cancer and death resulted.

The NY Times (1995) describes with suspicion, the removal of BNY from Superfund status.
...officials with the environmental department and the State Health Department played down the threat to the public. They said the contamination at the Navy Yard was limited to an unused courtyard protected from public use where two electric transformers once operated.
NY Times appears candid, however, while at the same time, omitting the worst, the existence of a legacy Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) within BNY, as described by National Grid.
The Nassau Gas Works MGP was operating by 1873 and ceased operations prior to 1935...  within the Brooklyn Navy Yard... Remedial investigation activities completed to date at the former MGP Site have encountered coal tar, which is the primary by-product associated with manufactured gas sites... contains a variety of environmental contaminants including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene (BTEX).
More Superfund Sites

At the Williamsburg north border, there is "a massive, 30-million-gallon [refinery] spill" into the Newtown Creek , designated a Superfund site in 2010. [ref]

At the west, near the river, there is an MGP Superfund site (dumping since the 1800s). Early 2018, remediation began. EPA dug wells, installed separators and continues to extract toxic chemicals. These chemicals had settled into the earth over the last century and would be disturbed by energy intensive remediation. The changes of underground flow and pressure could enable toxic chemical releases into the atmosphere.

The measles epidemic began when windows were closed during the cool temperatures of late September 2018.

New York State's epicenters represent the highest number of measles cases. The next largest epicenter in the U.S. is Portland/Vancouver industrial area in the Northwest, which has many legacy MGPs, former defense plants, and petrochemical sites.

South Williamsburg, Summary Map

NAG/DEP map of Williamsburg and Greenpoint

The following map of the Williamsburg-Greenpoint area is DEP (NYS Department of Environmental Protection) data rendered from the NAG (Neighbors Allied for Good Growth) website and annotated. The map shows a high population density in the epidemic area surrounded by earth plumes areas. In the northern area, 2000 feet to the north of Williamsburg in Greenpoint, is the largest chemical spill in U.S. history marked in yellow. Legacy petrochemical industry is to the west, at the river, no longer existing, where EPA remediation started up, pertinent to the epidemic which began months later during its cold-weather season.

Flood risk is included as a rough indicator of the potential for earth plume flow. Actual earth plume movement is likely greater than portrayed. Earth pollution data was originally generated by the industries responsible, so data could be played down or missing. [ref] Nevertheless the data provides a helpful environmental picture.

The epidemic area is high population. This is surrounded by major chemical spillage (dots and yellow areas). The northern area is the Newtown Creek Spill and legacy industry. This industry also is found on the west shore and at BNY. Flood risk is portrayed to indicate potential plume locations.

Two Brooklyn Epicenters

December 7th, 2018, New York Department of Health (DOH) banned unvaccinated children from school in the two epicenters. The ban failed to halt the epidemics.

Zip codes for recent vaccine mandates:

      Williamsburg: 11205, 11206, 11211, 11249

      Borough Park: 11204, 11218, 11219, 11220, 11230.

Williamsburg is the primary epicenter with five times more cases than Borough Park.

Power Plants

All Brooklyn power plants are depicted below, and one Manhattan power plant.

All of these power plants are near, upwind, or central to the epidemics.

The Two Epicenters Compared

Williamsburg: Many cases. Three power plants. Three Superfund sites.

Borough Park: 1/6th the cases. Two power plants. One Superfund site.

See bar graph above.

The Fracking Factor

Most of the power plants had already converted to "natural gas" fuel and thus were prepared to accept fracking gas years ago. This past year, 2018-2019, the U.S. set an all-time record for petroleum production due to the addition of fracking processes, threatening the profits of OPEC (Arab states oil coalition).

The U.S. measles incidence is highest in three decades.

The global #1 epicenter is Ukraine with 44,000 cases (over 500x U.S. incidence). U.S. does not export petroleum products to Ukraine, a major fracking nation, with the 3rd largest shale reserves in Europe.

The global #2 epicenter is Israel with 4,000 cases (over 200x U.S. incidence), and is highly involved in fracking. Coincidentally, at the height of the epidemic, the Israeli Environment Ministry called for a halt to fracking, as "too dangerous". Israel does not import fracking gas products from U.S.

Industrial stack exhaust can appear clean (transparent), but it is extremely poisonous, carrying carbon monoxide, nitrogen compounds, formaldehyde, poly-aromatic-hydrocarbons, mercury, volatile aromatic compounds (VOC), etc. The exhaust of fracking natural gas fuel exhaust is more poisonous than traditional natural gas due to its toxic extraction technology. When burned by power plants, boilers and kitchen stoves, the population is brought closer to disease thresholds, as evidenced by the associated epidemics.

Williamsburg Power Plants

Three Power Plants impinge on Williamsburg.

The Upwind Power Plant

Con Edison, 14th Street, Manhattan (in service 2005)

The four low stacks of the 14th Street Con Edison electric power plant (Manhattan) are across the East River and directly upwind from the Williamsburg epicenter. A few parts-per-million (ppm) chronic exposure to its exhaust components, such as NOx, can cause a wide variety of debilitating symptoms and death. Wikipedia photo, "Beyond My Ken" [CC BY-SA 4.0)

Invisible Toxic Exhaust, Marked by Steam Clouds

Children are most vulnerable because they are still developing their immune systems... I was told by DOH officials that inspectors will NOT approve commercial day care permits near this power plant because it would be considered “co-located” and therefore “a condition that may expose children to environmental hazards” -Juan Pagán, Assembly Candidate

Aerial view

Four stacks of toxic exhaust from a plant rated at 736 megawatts. This approximates 85,000 automobiles cruising at 40 mph.

The following map shows the main epicenter to the right circled (zip codes 11249, 11211), and a lesser epicenter to the left circled (zip code 11205), both Williamsburg zip codes, where emergency vaccines and fines are mandated. Blue squares designate power plants.

Dead Wind

Wind speed and direction were optimal for the accumulation of high concentrations of power plant exhaust within the Williamsburg epidemic area during the final three days before the emergency mandate declaration.

The direction arrows point south and southeast, into the epicenter. This is the prevailing wind direction from the NNW, and thus the long history of disease in Williamsburg. Wind speed averaged as low as zero mph, wavering without direction. Low speed means all types of pollution (exhaust and earth plume gases) are accumulating (indoors and outdoors).


In 2002, Con Edison moved its power plant from uptown to the downtown site of the present 14th Street Power Plant.

To make that move, Con ed negotiated with environmental groups:
$500,000 that will most likely go toward increasing the height of the plant's stacks... [NY Times 3/16/2002]
That fell through; the stacks remained short.

Stack filters were promised, but that did not happen.
...the number of stacks the company agreed to equip with a filtration device. It was one, not all four.

With these environmental deficiencies, how is illness now diagnosed in this area?

"Con-Ed Disease"? "Air Pollution Syndrome"?

Answer: None of the above.

"Measles", "Influenza", and "Asthma", would be the correct answers. Technocracy is cast agleam, its failures hidden by Medicine.

The Power Plants Within

The Brooklyn Navy Yard Cogeneration Plant (in service 1996)

This plant is near the south border of Williamsburg. This is less exhaust output compared to the 14th Street power plant, two stacks instead of four, generating 312 megawatts instead of 736 megawatts.

DOH Map, Annotated

The Hudson Avenue Power Plant

This plant is near the Brooklyn Navy Yard plant, in service as of 1970.

Street view

Borough Park (Epicenter #2)

This epicenter, in Brooklyn, is the second largest in New York State.

This contains one of the most highly populated Jewish communities outside of Israel, many unvaccinated, per their religious belief.

Measles epidemics exist globally where there are no ultra-Orthodox correlations. Thus, ultra-Orthodox has nothing to do with the epidemics.

Borough Park consists of zip code areas 11204, 11218, 11219, 11230.

Hypothesis Threatened

Surprisingly, zip code 11232 is not listed in the DOH vaccine mandate -- yet 11232 has two power plants on its shore.

11232 is the neighborhood of Green-wood Heights, where in the past, dead birds have often been found and their "Miners' Canary" deaths blamed on West Nile virus, but that is a separate criticism.

Googling in satellite view, finds that 11232 mostly consists of the huge Green-wood Cemetery. There is no reason to vaccinate the already dead.

Breakdown: 50% cemetery, 40% industry, 10% residential. Thus 24 hour/day exposure to power plant emissions is unlikely.

Two Hidden Power Plants, No Stacks

Two large power plants are hidden near and upwind of Borough Park.

These are difficult to locate. Their addresses are generally unavailable. Their names and shapes are missing from Google Maps, perhaps because technically, they are boats. Only in aerial photo view can map scanning find them.

The plants are run by Eastern Generation. A sign on the fence bans entry and photographs, but Google took most of the photos.

The plants are newer technology, big white boxes, no windows, hidden in plain sight, placed on barges, no stacks. The steam part of the exhaust is condensed into water and recycled. Turbine outputs are pointed upward.

"Gowanus" Plant (in service 1971)

This is the more northern plant. It generates 811 megawatts (Wikipedia). The photo is from the Eastern Generation website.

Street view, facing Manhattan across the river

Aerial view

8 sections with 2 turbines per section.

Close top view

Turbines with steam condensers. No stacks:

Note that the turbine outputs are vertical in order to direct the exhaust upward and above the population, but this doesn't seem safe with buildings being higher than the outputs.

Exhaust is invisible because steam and water clouds are not exhausted with the exhaust, but recycled to the boilers via condensers.

Exhaust height depends on output velocity upward. But the greater this velocity, the less efficient would be energy production, as the output velocity energy is a loss. This is an engineering and economic conflict of interest with human health.

"Narrows" Plant (in service 1972)

The lower plant on the map, generates 380 megawatts, as derived from the Wikipedia. This plant is half the size of the Gowanus plant, using the same technology.

Aerial view

Note that the two power plants upwind of Borough Park consist of 380+811 megawatts. This is 2x the power output as the 14th Street station in Manhattan, however because of its 2x efficiency due to recycling heat through condensers, exhaust output would be similar.

Routine Epidemics

Measles epidemics are routine for decades in the areas of Williamsburg, Borough Park and Rockland County.

Presently, the April 2019 mainstream story...
The measles cases in Rockland and in Brooklyn have been traced to unvaccinated members of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community who traveled to Israel, where a measles outbreak is occurring.
mirrors the earlier July 2009 mainstream story:
Last year’s outbreak [2007], New York’s largest in 15 years [1992]... A handful of visitors from Israel... in the midst of a months-long outbreak... brought the disease with them...[to] Borough Park... spread to a Long Island mall and to a wedding hall in Rockland County...
The "infectious" epidemics are claimed to be the result of an infected international traveler. It is laughable that this infectious virus is not able to spread to adjacent areas.

Fact: These epidemics only occur in the vicinity of heavy industrial effluents.

During the great H1N1 ("bird flu ") epidemics of 2009, eleven Brooklyn schools were closed by the DOH. Eight of these schools were in or near Williamsburg.

Most of the toxic air pollution chemicals (carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, NOx, etc) can cause "flu" symptoms. Power plant and motor vehicle, gas stove, and boiler exhaust all emit similar chemicals causing "flu" symptoms. Measles initially resembles flu symptoms before the rash appears.

These environmental hazards are a constant in Williamsburg and Borough Park, contributing to recurring epidemics.

Resolving Area Contradictions

Two areas are adjacent BNY and the power plants.

EAST of BNY: The main epicenter is EAST of BNY and the nearby power plants. The epidemic hot spot is mainly in this area, zip code 11211 and 11249.


SOUTH AND WEST of BNY: This is on the DOH list, but not a hot spot.

Why the difference?

Comparing the Two Areas

The two areas are similar. Many high apartment buildings. Higher buildings are less susceptible to earth plumes, except for the ground floor apartments..

There is presently no DOH data available for me to confirm measles cases in low level apartments, nor to confirm cases for this neighborhood immediately adjacent BNY.

A few Hasidim support the lower floor thesis with: "One who did not get measles lived on the 8th floor."; "Several cases lived on the 2nd floor."; "Several cases lived in a basement apartment."

The lower apartment buildings in South Williamsburg are nearest to BNY's assumed historical earth plumes.

Those EAST of BNY residences also are surrounded by MGP and refinery Superfund sites, and the area is at a low elevation, nearly sea level, facilitating the assumed effluent flow from Superfund sites.

The Unvaccinated

All epicenters (nationally) consist of 85% unvaccinated persons, approximately. How could this percent be so consistent?

If the epidemic is toxicological, then measles must be a natural response to poisoning. Toxicity would at least be a co-factor for measles.

Infection could not have occurred because these epidemics do not spread geographically, and they are recurrent in the same location.

But why the 85% positive test results for the unvaccinated?

Postulate 1

Diagnostic investigations were restricted to suspects such as the unvaccinated.[See comments section.]
...false positive results for measles IgM will occur. To minimize the problem... it is important to restrict case investigation... to patients most likely to have measles ...especially if they have risk factors for measles, such as being unvaccinated..."[CDC]
Postulate 2

The epicenter populations are more likely to be unvaccinated. I'm don't know why that could be, if it is true.

Postulate 3

The epidemics demonstrate the importance of being unvaccinated. The unvaccinated are healthier and more able to generate protective symptoms ("disease").

Vaccine poisons ("preservatives", e.g., mercury, formaldehyde, phenols, etc) protect polluting industries by disabling, confusing, and hiding disease symptoms.

This phenomena of the unvaccinated is a demonstration that disease symptoms are healthy defensive and cathartic behavior -- inflammatory responses. These symptoms warn of pollution and point to pollution sources.

Vaccines disable and suppress symptoms. Vaccine emergencies are designed to vilify people with symptoms and distract attention from obvious environmental hazards.

The "measles virus" is invisible and unprovable. The pollution is megalothic and obvious. Yet the "virus" mantra drones 24/7.

Vaccines are toxic, and toxicity can disable symptoms.

Example: Warts are a known stress response to medical radiation. Modern literature does not mention these, but in early literature "X-ray warts" are well-known, as exemplified by Robert Knox, book, page 264.

X-ray warts are a late manifestation of chronic dermatitis. and may become malignant. 

Traupe (1997), an environmental study, found much lower incidence of "viral warts" in persons who had been previously exposed to intense air pollution. This demonstrates that "immunity" (falsely perceived as a lack of symptoms) can be established by poisoning.

Palmer (2019), found lower incidence of "viral warts" (HPV) following a notoriously toxic HPV vaccine program with Gardisil. "Immunity" was falsely declared. Here, the specific symptom is suppressed but bad health would generally be worse, like the patient who dies of a  heart attack the day after being declared cancer-free, saved by chemotherapy.

Indoor Pollution

Measles epidemics correlate with cold weather, when indoor pollution (stoves, boilers, and earth plumes) is contained by closed windows. Epidemics were first noticed in the cool late September 2018, and such epidemics are officially expected to diminish by warmer spring (when windows happen to be open) -- unless, I must add, exposure throughout winter has installed extraordinary chemical sensitivities in the population -- or unless toxic effluents continue without abatement.

To some degree, ultra-Orthodox children are more likely to be at home. Moms can be stay-at-home moms. The families are on the average, large. Dads may be engaged in religious studies. Home schooling is not uncommon.

Earth plumes will affect lower floors with closed windows.

Ultra-Orthodox mothers are traditional, perhaps more likely to be cooking with gas stoves at home, likely unventilated (common in New York).

Fact: Stove exhaust is "often misdiagnosed" as virus-flu. [Dolan 1985]

Measles is fundamentally a flu-like disease (flu with rashes).

Gas stoves are extremely toxic. 30% of a stove's total exhaust is emitted from pilot lights, because they burn 24/7. The newer model stoves use electric spark ignition and have no pilot light.

Generally, stove exhaust can explain why during early evening, after dinner, hospitals are most busy.

Generally, stove and boiler exhaust can explain why "flu" and heart attacks tend to occur in the early morning, after a long night sleeping in a poisoned apartment (following dinner stove exhaust) and a fresh blast of stove exhaust during breakfast.

Unventilated stoves are illegal in many states, but not New York.

Mayors do not issue warnings about stove exhaust or earth plumes.

Mayors punish the population with medical fear and $1000 fines -- when the population exhibits symptoms (epidemics) to stove exhaust and earth plumes, etc.

Mayors order symptoms to be neutralized through toxic vaccination programs.

NY Times (5/5/2019) issued, during this measles epidemic, an unusual yet timely warning about gas stoves, describing greenhouse gases and a brief reference to asthma.
[Title:] "Your Gas Stove Is Bad for You and the Planet"
NY Times represents the polluting industries, e.g., medical, chemical, etc, as indicated from its board of directors. I suspect the article may be motivated in part by fracking gas stove hazards being too obvious, contributing to epidemics additional to asthma.

Since disease from gas stove exhaust is being misdiagnosed, it is reasonable to assume that disease from power plant exhaust and earth plume gases are also being misdiagnosed.

Rockland County (Epidemic #3)

The epidemic is located in East Ramapo, Rockland County, NY, between two Superfund sites. The area has experienced decades of pollution, polluted water, soil, and air, official corruption... and... prior measles epidemics. Some officials were imprisoned for being too obvious.

A fracking pipeline corporation is headquartered in Ramapo. Major fracking gas connections are in Ramapo. Pipelines route fracking gas to the CPV plant, and new pipelines are being connected outward from this area, transcontinental pipelines. Diesel and fracking gas fuel large pipeline compressors and emit heavy volumes of exhaust 24/7.

New Power Plant

A new high capacity power plant, constructed by Competitive Power Ventures, went online 30 miles northwest of Ramapo, upwind of the epidemic.
October 1, 2018 — Competitive Power Ventures (CPV) today announced that the 680-megawatt (MW) CPV Valley Energy Center in Wawayanda, NY achieved commercial operation on natural gas and is now supplying enough electricity to power more than 600,000 average homes.
This is a fracking gas fueled plant:
...power plant, will use natural gas from Millennium Pipeline’s 7.8-mile Valley Lateral Pipeline carrying natural gas from the Marcellus Shale...
October 2018 is also the approximate start date for the Brooklyn epidemics.

August 15, 2018a judge in Albany took one day to override DEC objections and allow the CPV plant to run in "test" mode. The only obstacle was CPV's willingness to negotiate DEC's "threat" of a fine for not having a permit, though DEC said resolution would be expedited.

Resolving Vaccine Contradictions

The epidemic in Rockland is heavily polluted like the Brooklyn epidemics. It is located in East Ramapo, between two Superfund sites (one uphill) and a major fracking pipeline crux is within Ramapo. The epidemic timelines are similar to the Brooklyn timelines.

The Rockland epicenter occurred within a thoroughly vaccinated population.

Yet, every day, inspectors remove the unvaccinated from Rockland schools.
Rockland health officials... do daily checks... to ensure that non-immunized children are not attending schools... Rockland has a 94 percent vaccination rate... Lohud (11/13/2018)
The unvaccinated appear again as the afflicted,
80.5% [of recent measles epidemic cases] have had 0 MMRs [Rockland DOH, 4/24/2019] 

Symptoms Reviewed

The symptoms are inflammation and catharsis.
  • Fever
  • Dry cough
  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Inflamed eyes (conjunctivitis)
  • Rash

The Natural View

These symptoms (above) are air pollution symptoms. Dry cough, runny nose, sore throat and inflamed eyes are basic inflammatory symptoms. Fever represents the immune system working hard, and rash represents catharsis as the body attempts to expel debris, toxins and fluids out through the skin.

Clinicians, knowingly or unknowingly, are misdiagnosing air pollution symptoms as virus-caused measles, and that protects industry. Clinicians would defend themselves: "We have sophisticated blood tests for measles which we run in a laboratory with modern shiny electronic equipment. This is expensive, lots of LED lights, digital readouts, software automation, and Internet-ready!" However, these test results are simply blood-related symptoms -- of pollution.

Clinicians would present a microbiological defense, yet the same critique applies. Whatever they find in their microscopes would merely be the micro-symptoms (mutated DNA, deranged cell structure, etc) of poisoning.

Virus causation is moot because 1) Virologists, epidemiologists, and diagnosticians do not discount toxicological factors[measles][polio], and 2) Virologists falsely claim isolation of viruses.[ThePerthGroup][Urnovitz/Ostrom]

Viruses thereby lack crucial evidence for their very existence.

Measles virus: Unproven Entity

Dissident virologist, Stefan Lanka PhD, in Germany, has long argued measles causation in terms of environmental and psycho-somatic factors.

Apparently the DOH/CDC is responding propagandistically with its virus and vaccine programs -- to a new increase in public recognition of symptoms from a new and higher level of industrial pollution.

Lanka notes the lack of evidence for measles virus. He specifically critiques the work of virologist John F. Enders, PhD. [Article 2015] [Article 2001] [Interview 2018] [Virology details 2/2017, German Language]

The first paper was published in 1954 by Enders et al... Enders... cut down dramatically on the nutrient solution and added cell-destroying antibiotics to the cell culture before introducing the allegedly infected fluid. The subsequent dying of the cells was then misinterpreted as presence and also isolation of the measles virus. No control experiments were performed to exclude the possibility that it was the deprivation of nutrients as well as the antibiotics which led to the cytopathic effects.
Enders is also credited falsely for isolating poliovirus -- according to a critical review by journalist Neenyah Ostrom, on the authority of biochemist Howard Urnovitz, PhD.[ref]

[P]oliovirus was not actually isolated by these investigators, either. They successfully grew "filterable agents," which they assumed to be poliovirus, in human embryonic tissues.

Enders' fame as "The Father of Modern Vaccines" is perhaps due to a tremendous inheritance and his elite membership in Yale's wealthiest secret society. No joke. [ref]

The "discredited" Dr. Andrew Wakefield claims he found an association between measles virus, autism and the MMR vaccine. The mainstream punished him and his famous corrupt study was retracted. He is cast as a martyr by anti-vaxers. However, his study can be viewed as an industrial coverup. It protects industrial interests by dramatizing a fake measles virus to avoid toxicology. The Wakefield drama is a polarizes the public, blocking progress in the area of autism prevention.

EPA Air Pollution Maps

Commonly available EPA data, such as its air pollution index ("AQI"), does not account for earth plume toxicity or stack pollution.

EPA AQI is an evaluation of five common outdoor air pollutants at ground level, that is, at the lowest floors.

EPA data is political. What may be the greatest air pollution sources (earth plumes and power plants) are invisible to the EPA. Here is PlaceILive's map of EPA air pollution data -- at the measles epicenter -- entirely "green".

Go to the source map and you'll also find JFK International Airport "green".

EPA approaches pollution like New York City approaches loud noise. Loud noise is illegal unless it is very loud (ambulances, fire trucks, subways, Harleys, etc).

harvoa Air Pollution Predictor Index (hAPI)

An air pollution predictor index based on barometric pressure and wind speed supports the idea that earth pollution is a major contribution to the epidemic.

hAPI is apolitical. It uses weather data to indicate changing air pollution concentrations in known polluting regions.

Given: Slow winds concentrate air pollution in industrial areas. High speed winds dilute air pollution. Low barometric pressures suck plume poisons out of the earth. High barometric pressures push deeper into the earth, reducing plume emissions.

hAPI = 1/(WindSpeed*BarometricPressure)

This index can be adjusted for various exposure scenarios. Pressure can be proportioned experimentally. The pressure factor won't make sense if there are no earth plumes. Yet if it does correlate and there are no apparent earth plumes, that would indicate hidden undiscovered pollution. It is a confident tool.

Here is an example of the index formula that enhances the effect of slow wind speed.

hAPI = 1/(WindSpeed*(BarometricPressure/2))

WindSpeed or BaroPressure or WindDirection can be used alone or together to reveal pollution sources -- as I have done with the present measles epidemic.

A great contribution to democracy would be if Google Maps or incorporated hAPI into their map sites and warnings as a pollution forecast. Areas near heavy traffic and Superfund sites would be visually reflect a higher index.

The following Air Pollution Index Timeline is compared against reported cases for the Brooklyn epidemics. The correlation of 14 of 17 movements make sense.

Next plan: A timeline graph of air pressure/speed versus EPA earth plume gas studies.


Pollution is the causation factor. Challenge: Can a measles epidemic be found in an area not severely polluted?

More data always benefits environmental theories, yet by necessity, Medicine controls and interprets environmental data. With environmental factors avoided, virus causation is therefore MOOT (i.e., unresolved, debatable). The need for emergency vaccination must then be moot.

If the DOH were to release a list of cases with locations (anonymized), then --

Expect most cases in basement or lower level apartments -- earth plumes.

Expect disease in the upper floor apartments, but not always measles cases -- stack pollution.

Parallel: This correlation with high floors was found in the SARS "virus" epidemic in Hong Kong. My research was published by The Weston A. Price Foundation. The obvious cause, postulated, was China's high strata stack pollution. SARS cases were above the 10th floor. Six months after publication of my work, UCLA published a study confirming air pollution correlations with SARS. The SARS drama disappeared, with an epidemiologist in Toronto declaring, "Bullshit". [ref]

Expect cases near the BQE and the bridge, in lower level apartments near earth plumes.

DOH press releases are not providing detail, as they have in the past. Dates and locations are not precise, just zip codes and case counts with about a 7 to 14 day timeframe resolution.

The DOH and CDC have an impossible burden of proof for all claims related to a virus and vaccines. The fact that obvious environmental factors were omitted makes their claims MOOT.

Generally, the mainstream strongly controls and interprets data, so commonsense conversation among citizens is a crucial option.

Prior Medical Disinfo, Examples

London 1952

The British government, tried to pass off  The Great London Smog of 1952, as an INFLUENZA epidemic, calling it "The Great London Fog". They tried hard but coal smog was overwhelmingly obvious. The government eventually admitted it was misrepresenting.

6,000 Londoners died and 25,000 later qualified for benefits related to illnesses and disabilities.

Devra Davis has written an excellent article on this in History Today.

New York 2009, H1N1 Influenza

New York DOH and CDC routinely avoid environmental factors. I researched many school epidemics during the H1N1 "virus" epidemics of 2009.

I reviewed scores of school epidemics, but mainly I focused on St. Francis Middle School in Queens, located next to the Long Island Expressway. This epidemic was huge and sudden, attacking many students within 30 minutes.

Obviously, this was not a virus, as the DOH had declared. Environmental factors were avoided by use of virus drama.

A detailed article was published in The Townsend Letter, June 2010

The following is a brief summary.

12 hours of polluted air flowed unwavering, directly into the school from the expressway, before the morning the school opened. As the children began entered the school they began vomiting within 30 minutes.

A DOH team arrived in the afternoon and declared a virus emergency without toxicological tests (according to personnel interviews). The DOH online forum, dedicated to answering the public questions re this epidemic, closed immediately following my innocent inquiry regarding environmental testing.

The following aerial photo shows St. Francis adjacent The Long Island Expressway, waiting for epidemic conditions.

Aerial Photo

Unwavering Slow Wind for 12 Hours

The following is the same photo with computer-generated wind vectors representing wind speed and direction data. This shows very uncommon wind patterns focused upon the school, arriving from expressway after flowing down through the lanes, accumulating exhaust.

Earth plumes: This flu research found a school epidemic in Long Island where earth plumes exist but were not mentioned by DOH. No other obvious pollution source is apparent such as vehicle traffic or industry. The school was, however, situated near defunct military defense plants, i.e., Superfund sites. Winds were slow or still, preceding the outbreak.

* * *

Thanks to Gary Krasner, David Crowe, Adam Crazz, David Barouh and others for support and comments.

Disclaimer: The author is not an authority or professional. For medical advice, see a trusted professional without delay. All statements are hypotheses for discussion. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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  1. Excellent research and presentation!

    Regarding your postulates as to why the "outbreak" was predominately reported in the unvaccinated, there are additional issues driving this apparent discrepancy:

    Much like historical VPD "incidence" data, there is no true incidence data available for the outbreaks. All data we have (which is erroneously called "incidence") is notification data, subject to a number of unquantifiable and uncontrolled biases. The foremost is diagnostic bias, whereby doctors — under their faith-based belief that vaccines work— are more likely to diagnose a disease as something else in vaccinated persons. This is simply human nature. The CDC even instructs doctors to do just this (

    “To minimize the problem of false positive laboratory results, it is important to restrict case investigation and laboratory tests to patients most likely to have measles (i.e., those who meet the clinical case definition, especially if they have risk factors for measles, **such as being unvaccinated**, recent history of travel abroad, without an alternate explanation for symptoms, for example epi-linked to known parvovirus case) or those with fever and generalized maculopapular rash with strong suspicion of measles.”

    Therefore, any case numbers derived from uncontrolled human observation are intrinsically biased by belief in vaccination success itself, making it circular in nature and woefully unscientific. The belief is a self-fulfilling prophecy. This bias explains why the disease is “found” more often in unvaccinated individuals and also why its “incidence” declined as the numbers of vaccinated grew.

    One might argue that it is not possible to mistake these diseases for others. However, were that true then there would be no need for differential diagnosis nor laboratory confirmation when diagnosing them, a requirement for almost all VPDs.

    Which leads to another related point about the very nature of these diseases themselves and gets to the very question of the validity of germ theory itself. Consider that the association of germs to diseases is little more than tautological. Take measles: prior to vaccine introduction the diagnosis was entirely clinical. However, the subsequent requirement of laboratory confirmation in diagnosis has not only fundamentally changed what it means to have “measles” but also associated it with the virus by definitional decree.

    Prior to the vaccine, someone with disease that is clinically indistinguishable from measles but without presence of the virus would have been labeled as having measles. Today they are labeled with something else. But if the diseases are otherwise indistinguishable save for the presence of some proteins in the blood, why do we fixate on the proteins instead of the disease? Especially when that fixation/division is only a modern development (post-vaccine introduction) used to justify a paradigm (vaccination) that rests entirely upon it.

    This can be seen clearly in the 2014 Disney measles outbreak ( They performed 2500+ PCR tests on suspected cases *after rash presentation began*, i.e. cases that looked exactly like measles. Only 131 were confirmed to have the virus. If the "outbreak" of rashes were truly caused by the virus then it is implausible that only 5% of clinical rash cases had the purported causative factor.

  2. Another factor contributing to the disproportionate number of cases among the unvaccinated is the nature of how officials track and investigate an outbreak. Consider the description of the 2014 Disney outbreak (PDF above).

    Firstly it began with the report of a suspected case in an unvaccinated person. Would they even have blinked if the person had been vaccinated, considering the points above?

    Secondly, under their control measures it is made clear that they followed contacts based on assessment of presumptive "immune status to measles." In other words, they explicitly followed the "outbreak" through unvaccinated connections, fundamentally biasing what they would find.

    This phenomenon is not isolated to the Disney outbreak. The CDC report on the 2017 Minnesota outbreak makes it clear that the same approach was in effect (

    Again, it started with the report of a suspected case in an unvaccinated individual. And again they explicitly used vaccination status in tracking the "outbreak":

    "Rosters and attendance records were obtained from child care centers and schools where persons might have been exposed to measles, and the vaccination status of each attendee was verified through the Minnesota Immunization Information Connection, a system that stores electronic immunization records ( icon). Health care facilities similarly identified contacts who were exposed to measles patients and followed up with susceptible (i.e., unvaccinated, pregnant, or immunocompromised) exposed persons."

    Health officials find what they set out to find. It makes for great narrative but awful science.

  3. Thanks for the excellent article! My two teen-age children and I came down with "measles" last summer. I'm 54 years old and had been "vaccinated" before the age of 10. My children had "mini" injections (in effect no injections) before they were five years old. We live in the Basque Country in Biarritz, France, a region with relatively good air quality. We were en route for Morocco when my son started showing symptoms, followed by my daughter. Both were fairly sick for about two weeks. My case was much less severe, characterized by a three-day headache and a fairly mild breakout (maybe because my keto-carnivore diet afforded me greater protection???). I don't know what environmental/airborne toxin the three of us may have been exposed to that would have resulted in our getting the measles (my "vaccinated" wife showed no symptoms yet was with us the entire time). Would anyone here like to hazard a guess? Might anybody here have any data that might explain our situation? Thanks!

    1. I would guess arsenic pesticide in foods, more likely as you got closer to Morocco. I spent a few weeks in India and was told at the British hotel to only eat at the hotel because food outside was contaminated with germs (which I equate to pesticides, which the nation is notorious for).

      I broke the rule one time and had a cup of orange juice at a street vendor. 3 days of diarrhea and fever quickly followed. Hell.

  4. Since your wife was unharmed, I would bet on contaminated food or drink. Did she have different food or drink?

  5. Could you please tell me if you can find an environmental explanation for the outbreak in the Somalian community in Minnesota? Keep up the good work!

    1. Justin, the Somali, upon immigrating to Minnesota, noticed a high autism rate, where they did not have autism before in their homeland.

      They called it the "Western Disease".'_embodied_health_movements

      I've read (no source presently) evidence that the medical industry preyed on these immigrants and mothers were given ultrasound (unprecedented for them).

      That would be a severe environmental stressor, creating a long-term vulnerability to any subsequent pollution, such as whatever would cause "COVID".

      That is one thing, another, to account for COVID encompassing the older citizens, would be...

      Immigrants probably settled in a poor area, and that would be an area of low political power, an area vulnerable to industrial pollution.

      Ceder-Riverside (home of many Somali) is "environmentally burdened).

  6. Could you tell me what you make of this? It's said that the 19th century measles epidemic began after The Fijian king returned from a visit from My country Implying that he caught the measles germ and introduced to to Fiji. Is there anything you can think of to explain? There's 2 things I can think of, maybe it was at the same time that what Weston Price called "the displacing foods of modern commerce" was introduced to Fiji which maybe could have contained poisonous preservatives and another thing I can think of is maybe it was around the same time that the smallpox vaccines was introduced there/something similar to how the leprosy epidemic among the Hawaiian natives was preceded by the introduction of the smallpox vaccine to Hawaii but I can't find sources on when vaccines were first introduced there. Anything else you could think of?

  7. Here's a link showing epidemics in that region going back to 1792.

    Pre-vaccine era. Jenner's "first vaccine" was 1796.

    Everywhere, the arrival of Western industry means exposure to arsenic and mercury for preservatives, tonics, medicines, tanning, etc.

    Additionally, if the sick natives were then treated by Medicos, they would be further poisoned.

    This could be controlled 'carelessness', like modern industry re EMF and air pollution -- with the result being a weakening of the native population and cultural structure.

    Related, the stories of "smallpox blankets" being given to early American Indians as a military strategy in 1763 were probably cover stories for arsenic poisoning upstream.

    1. So would the industrial foods that were sent to Fiji have have been preserved with arsenic just like the food sailors ate do you think?

  8. The sailors used arsenic powder for many purposes and probably bartered to the natives or gifted stuff to impress the natives. The resulting "smallpox" symptoms to a pure unadulterated culture would have been startling.

    The natives were in awe of the Europeans, and probably welcomed Medicos into their midst to save them from evil spirits. Catholic priests worked with stories of sin, devil and Jesus -- in tandem with the poisoning Medicos (as they do present-day) to bring the poisoning into native cultures.

  9. Also European encampments would have been established upstream. Nobody wants to be downstream, if for sewage reasons if none other.

  10. So waste arsenic would have washed downstream to native villages.

    1. Arsenic from tanneries or something?

    2. Tanning was common and hides needed a preservative. Arsenic soap and powders were the answer. Unless you (the Euro-American) had money to buy jackets, then you tanned hides. This explains also, the smallpox epidemics that correlates with the first entrance of trapper/traders in early America.

  11. Anything you can dig up about the Samoan measles outbreak?

    1. Air and water pollution is there, Don't know the details.

  12. I think I remember hearing something about it being preceded by Samoa receiving a shipment of expired measles vaccines that were administered to many people


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