Monday, December 19, 2022

Ultrasound Testicles

 by Jim West (please share and cite)

Here I am extending text found in my first book on ultrasound.

Mom is alarmed. Her child has one testicle bigger than the other.  She takes him to a medico. The medico diagnoses the child with ultrasound, claiming a concern over possible cancer etc.

However, ultrasound is biologically destructive at the lowest intensities. It could be a carcinogen.

The question, "Does ultrasound damage the testicle", is popular on the Internet, but the mainstream answer is always, "Ultrasound is harmless". That answer is ostensibly designed to protect the patient from anxiety, and less known, to protect the doctor-patient bonding process -- all in the supposed interest of the patient.


Fetal ultrasound disrupts DNA, hormones, etc during fetal growth. The result is damage, e.g., testicle damage, conditions, inflammations including even mild types of cancer (as cancer is defined as a manifestation of damaged nucleic acid).

And now we have the conundrum: These ultrasound-caused conditions are being diagnosed with ultrasound!

There is an increasing annual incidence of testicular cancer, and many other diseases, as predicted decades ago, in the early 1980s, by ultrasound researchers at Columbia University. 

Testicular cancer is not considered to be very dangerous, but it can accompany other forms of cancer. It supposedly is found in 1 out of 250 men nowadays. It is said to "spread" from the testicles to form other cancers.

But there is no spread; it is just the obvious, the medico's recognition of the most obvious symptoms of ultrasound damage. Medicine would rather blame a symptom on another symptom rather than on the industrial environment, in this case, ultrasound.

Suspect causative factors are clearly medical radiation such as ultrasound, EMF, and then air pollution or other pollution exposure, which ultrasound damage potentiates.

Hard simple science, experiments with pregnant women subjects, supports these commonsense thoughts about ultrasound:

Feng (1996) found damage from fetal ultrasound -- to the sperm stem cells (spermatogonia) contained in the testicles. See the reference below.

Using ultrasound to diagnose these stem cells would compound any possible problems, it seems obvious, since cancer is the result of genetic damage.


Fetal ultrasound, a diagnostic tool, damages the fetal testicle. Abnormalities of the testicle appear later to parents and medicos. Medicos then knowingly or unknowingly continue the trend of damage by the use of ultrasound diagnostics and treatments.

A testicle is a container of permanent stem cells which are used to generate sperm. These stem cells are "spermatogonia".

Ultrasound damages these stem cells in the male fetus, and damages the ova in the female fetus. Later, during any diagnosis that uses ultrasound, even more damaged (mutated) genetic matter is created. Mutated sperm and humans are the eventual result. 

People are severely damaged before they are feti. Proof? Just look around, and compare generations. Look at the vast difference between grandparents, parents and children. Today's adult women weigh more than men from the 1960s. Today's women average 171 pounds and men average 200 pounds. Go to YouTube and see the talk show audiences from the 1960s. Beautiful normal people.


Z. Feng (1996)

[Topic: Testicles, Internal Cellular Damage]
[Method of observation: Electron Microscopy]

Effects Of Diagnostic Ultrasonic Wave On The Ultrastructures
of the Human Fetus Testicles During Mid-Stage Pregnancy

Fetuses with 20-28 weeks gestation age, destined to be aborted for whatever reasons, were divided into 4 equal groups (A, B, C, D). 

Before abortion, mothers of each group received different diagnostic ultrasound irradiation [at mild intensity] for 5 min., 10 min., and 30 min., accordingly, except group D, which served as an unexposed control.

Results: After abortion, microscopically, the testicles of group C showed swollen spermatogonia with rarefaction of nuclear chromosome and obscurity of mitochondria structure with reduplication of splitting of basal membrane, but no change was found in other groups.


Disclaimer: The author is not an authority or professional. For medical advice, see a trusted professional without delay. All statements are hypotheses for discussion. Constructive criticism is welcome.

Fair Use Act Disclaimer: This site is for discussion purposes only. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.

Intellectual Property Rights: The intellectual property aggregated and redistributed in this site is for educational use only and is considered protected by standards of fair use. Intellectual property owners have been cited where possible. Original material produced for this site is copyright Jim West / harvoa 2020, All rights reserved.

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EMF Improvements

by Jim West (please share and cite)

I alway strive to reduce industrial EMF exposure.

Symptoms are the best "meter" to understand the results of my efforts. Meters usually only measure a narrow frequency range or other narrow characteristic based on EMF scientific theory, which is oriented towards industrial interest, such as radio signals. 

Symptoms are the real measure, the reason why anyone would want a meter, so go directly to the symptoms. Symptoms are a powerful non-verbal language speaking directly about the environment. Example: Eyesight is a set of EMF symptoms, as described by the great Andrew A. Marino, PhD. 

When I try to improve shielding or move to a hopefully better location, symptoms speak to me.

Usually symptoms (such as nervousness, anxiety, backache and depression) are reduced and there is relief, but this can often be a complicated message.

Symptoms answer my attempts to reduce EMF in at least four ways.

1) Symptom improve because I have successfully reduced EMF exposure. The lack of symptoms is something to be thankful about.

2) Symptoms improve because I have merely changed EMF exposure patterns by moving or shielding. The body takes a few days to understand the new EMF environment/patterns, then upon recognition of EMF exposure, symptoms can become worse or no better.

3) Symptoms improve because I have successfully reduced EMF exposure. After the applause dies down, after a few days or weeks, the body realizes that reduction should continue, and it returns to sending me tortuous symptoms.

For example, a loose or painful tooth is the result of EMF weakening the binding matter that holds teeth in the periodontal system, the seals the teeth to the gums. EMF upsets the microbial balance that keeps the gums/teeth clean. EMF weakens the binding of dental matter that constitute a tooth. Similar symptoms can the weakening of finger and toe nails, their binding to the skin and flesh, and increase their tendency towards a hangnail, which follows washing dishes with hot water and detergent, etc.

4) Symptoms get worse because EMF exposure is simply worse.


Disclaimer: The author is not an authority or professional. For medical advice, see a trusted professional without delay. All statements are hypotheses for discussion. Constructive criticism is welcome.

Fair Use Act Disclaimer: This site is for discussion purposes only. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.

Intellectual Property Rights: The intellectual property aggregated and redistributed in this site is for educational use only and is considered protected by standards of fair use. Intellectual property owners have been cited where possible. Original material produced for this site is copyright Jim West / harvoa 2020, All rights reserved.

Please support this work by sharing, buying books, or donating. 

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Steve Kirsch, #1 Misinfo Spreader - TRAPPED!

by Jim West (please share and cite)

Steve Kirsch and Dr. Mercola have had much publicity in the mainstream media for being Top Misinformation Spreaders. I've critiqued them both here.

Why would the mainstream support them with such expensive publicity?

Because... they promote belief in deadly viruses such as the COVID virus, which serve as distractions from industrial pollution (the most common cause of disease). They promote profitable toxic pharmaceutical treatments for "virus" diseases.

Kirsch promotes the very toxic pharmaceutical, Ivermectin, as a treatment for COVID. Surprisingly, Mike Adams believes in Ivermectin. Ivermectin is taken on the belief that it destroys the "virus". Adams continues to promote virus scare stories generally, re other viruses, other than COVID virus. Perhaps they are just dealing with the politics of effective marketing... Why reject naïve money?

Kirsch is a billionaire and runs his blog and research with expert mainstream teams. To his credit, he doesn't directly censor comments when they disagree with him. Yet he does find ways to avoid confrontation.

Kirsch's Blog Post "How to tell who is telling you the truth"

He declares that viruses exist and Rappoport etc are "liars" when they deny virus existence. He refers to his "Fraud Test".

I defended Rappoport etc by commenting tersely, and Kirsch answered (see below). I cornered him with a superior Fraud Test, and he would not continue. Kirsch is smart, though blind to, or running from, the commonsense position I presented to him. Apparently he could not get an acceptable answer from his research team.

First, I gained many Likes with this comment:

Then unprecedented censorship began. His blog manager apparently turned off the Likes option, as they no longer show. I no longer get an automatic notice of my Likes count. The entire section of blog comments was replaced with another comment section since many others such as Mike Stone were lampooning him.

I continued.

JWest (8/22/2022): Steve, viruses are sold as infective rogue nucleic acid fragments that cause epidemics like polio, COVID, influenza.

But virology has no foundation because it omits confounding factors such as pollution.

You can't win.

SKirsch (8/22/2022): Please accept my bet [that viruses exist] and take my money!

JWest (8/22/2022): I'm debating you NOW. And you're using money as a distraction.

SKirsch (8/23/2022): You are avoiding answering my simple questions. If you want a response answer my questions first. Thank you. See the pinned post

JWest (8/23/2022): Steve, you declare in the pinned post: "I couldn’t find any commenter that offered a superior set of “fraud tests.” No alternatives were proposed at all. If you don’t like my list, why not tell us the correct list?"

My "correct list" is one test, which is universally agreed upon by scientists: Studies must control for confounding factors (such as pollution).

Virology fails that test.

SKirsch (8/24/2022): that's silly. that's not how science works. [!!!]

JWest (8/24/2022): Actually, it does work that way.

"To ensure the internal validity of your research, you must consider the impact of confounding variables."

SKirsch (8/28/2022): [No answer]

JWest (8/28/2022)Steve, we had a tete-a-tete, and I checkmated you with my simpler and superior Fraud Test:

I still await your response. [as of 9/25/2022]

A non-Kirsch continuation

11/5/2022 Steve is hypocritical as he misrepresents himself:


Disclaimer: The author is not an authority or professional. For medical advice, see a trusted professional without delay. All statements are hypotheses for discussion. Constructive criticism is welcome.

Fair Use Act Disclaimer: This site is for discussion purposes only. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.

Intellectual Property Rights: The intellectual property aggregated and redistributed in this site is for educational use only and is considered protected by standards of fair use. Intellectual property owners have been cited where possible. Original material produced for this site is copyright Jim West / harvoa 2020, All rights reserved.

Please support this work by sharing, buying books, or donating.

Monday, July 18, 2022

Fluoride causes periodontal disease

 by Jim West (please share and cite)

I have strong 'anecdotal evidence' to support these findings. 10 years ago my dentist replaced my mercury fillings with resin though as I belatedly found out when after years he bragged about his use of fluoride to force dental fibers to stand out, to bond better with his resin fillings. 

After my initial work by this dentist, I immediately had a ghastly breath odor that could 'kill'. I noticed this unique odor in other people also, on the subway, in NYC where I live. I didn't understand what was happening and was falsely trusting my dentist.

Luckily, with fear, I still refused to obey my dentist's ongoing demands (that I could die of neurological disease associated with gum "infection"). He demanded that I have deep root planing to clean this complex enviro-dentist-made 'infection'. 

I was looking for the environmental cause.

Slowly over the years, my gums are recovering since I asked that dentist to halt that procedure. He claimed he had no such knowledge of hazards, but that he would review, and we fell out. His office has a large building extension to handle related surgery etc.

A good dentist/chemist, Gerald Judd (deceased) wrote about this issue with fluoride and periodontal disease. He also warned against root planing, as planing undermines the natural tooth/gum adhesion process and leads to the routine of surgery addiction. 

There is a dilemma -- to have cleaning or not when gum complications already exist due to fluoride. 

Judd, as a chemist/dentist advised against lemons and vinegar, which can destroy teeth enamel, due to high acidity. I believe that a hazard also exists due to the character of those acids even when diluted, e.g., lemonade. I learned this over the decades the hard way. Phosphoric acid in soda pop has long been known to be a dental hazard. An "iso" version of phosphoric acid in soda pop caused the largest epidemic of paralysis in the history of the USA in the 1930s ("Jake's Leg Syndrome"). That was largest admitted epidemic.

It appears that the entire mercury replacement routine has been scammed into a toxic fluoride delivery mechanism that requires additional dental "treatments" and could lead to dementia etc. 

Thankfully, some dentists avoid fluoride and mercury. I presently do not know of any, however, I did find an organization of natural ethical dentists years ago, and may try to dig up the contact info later.

CDC and nGram timelines

The CDC defends fluoride (of course) however, its timeline matches the usage incidence (Google nGram) of the word "periodontal":

The reason the word usage goes down during 1990s is probably only due to regulated censorship of the word. I doubt incidence is decreasing.

Recent dental consultation

I recently spoke to a dentist about fluoride causation of periodontal disease. I was calm and well prepared. 

As if he didn't hear me, he advocated fluoride treatments for periodontal disease. 

I was paying for a consultation visit. It lasted 10 minutes with the dentist yelling at me, "Hey man... I'm not trying to poison you!" He was apparently trying to divert attention away from the topic because his assistants were listening. He was speaking the truth though. He need not "try to poison me", because the nature of his work consists of mandated, known and hidden poisonous procedures, beginning with the required X-ray, or as told me, CT-Scan and MRI. 


I additionally mentioned ultrasound cleaning as a hazard, as even AIUM describes an epidemic of carpal tunnel type disease among prenatal ultrasound operators. 

He had told me that he had to "let go" of several assistants due to carpal tunnel, which he assumed was due to repetitive use of the computer mouse. I told him that carpal tunnel came about first with the advent of the electric typewriter, but it was as if he could not hear me.

As I paid for my 10-minute consultation at the front desk, I noticed the assistant at the front desk wearing an athletic bandage on her right wrist. Surreal. No one suspected ultrasound nor EMF. As I walked out, I felt as if I was leaving a bizarre carnival house or a house of the insane. My medical views are becoming quite clear, and this was a rare visit to the Medical mainstream.

The following is a fine research article on fluoride, but it does not mention dentist-applied high-concentration fluoride.

From Fluoride Free Water Ireland

Fluoride Exposure: A Major Risk Factor in Periodontal Disease which contributes to Progression of Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease and Risk of Premature Birth

by Declan Waugh, Environmental Scientist


Oral disease such as periodontal disease and tooth loss are major public health problems. Untreated, severe periodontal disease is a potential risk for general health and well-being. Periodontal disease results in gum disease, destruction of the alveolar bone and tooth loss. It has also been implicated as a contributing factor in the progression of diabetes, some cardiovascular diseases and the risk of premature birth.[1] The prevalence of periodontal disease is reported to be between 20 and 50% of the worldwide population.[2] Advanced periodontal disease affects up to 15% of the adult population while mild to moderate periodontitis affects most adolescents and 40 to 50% of adults. Between 1993 and 2003 an increase in the proportion of children affected by periodontal disease was observed among 5, 8 and 12 year olds.[3] Among 15 year olds, 56% of 15 year old boys had some periodontal disease distinguishable as gingivitis (inflammation and bleeding of the gums), compared to 48% of girls.[4] The reason for the increased prevalence in recent years is not fully understood.

Many studies and published documents have demonstrated that increased fluoride exposure is directly linked to increased periodontal disease. From a public health perspective, any study that demonstrates increased fluoride exposure may increase the risk of developing periodontal disease or other illnesses are of major importance. This is especially the case when Ireland has globally one of the highest prevalences of periodontal disease combined with the highest number of premature deaths from ischemic heart disease in the EU[5] and periodontal disease is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

The Irish Expert Body on Fluoride and Health have claimed that “there is no credible evidence linking fluoride and periodontal disease”[6]. This paper examines the available evidence and shows that there appears to be credible scientific evidence to support this relationship. These findings highlight the need for urgent review of public health policy regarding fluoridation of drinking water supplies in Ireland.

1. Introduction

This paper will attempt to highlight some of the available research supporting the relationship between fluoride exposure and increased risk of periodontal disease. It further aims to address the lack of available evidence noted by the Irish Expert body on this subject area. It provides a history of published studies by reputable professionals in peer-reviewed journals as well as medical and scientific evidence from other published sources. The review demonstrates that credible evidence in the field of oral health exists linking fluoride exposure to periodontal disease. Ireland is the only country in the EU with a mandatory policy of artificial fluoridation of public drinking water supplies thereby resulting in increased dietary fluoride exposure of the population compared to other EU Member states.

Despite the Irish Expert Body on Fluoride and Health and Dental Health Foundation Ireland claiming that water fluoridation is the most effective method in the prevention and treatment of dental decay, after over four decades of mass fluoridation of Irish citizens, Ireland has one of the highest prevalences of Edentulous (tooth loss) in EUGLOREH countries. Similarly there has been little improvement in dental health in children especially compared to every other European country where in the same timeframe enormous improvements have occurred (without the need for fluoridation of drinking water) resulting in overall better dental health. Considering that evidence from countries such as Chile, Japan, Finland, the Netherlands and Germany clearly demonstrates that upon cessation of water fluoridation dental health improved significantly within the population, it is entirely possible that reduced fluoride exposure may have had a beneficial impact on dental health.

In comparison, the dietary exposure of the Irish population to fluoride compounds is expected to be much higher due to a long-term exposure of the population to fluoridated water using silicofluoride chemicals, the widespread use of fluoridated toothpastes as well as a much greater consumption of tea and higher overall usage of prescribed drugs, many of which are fluoride-based pharmaceuticals. According to the European Food Safety Authority each of these may be significant contributory sources of fluoride. It is to be expected therefore that the Irish population will have a much greater exposure to fluoride compared to other European countries.

The results of a recent EU wide study[7] supported this observation where children in Ireland were recorded to have, within the EU study region, the highest concentration of fluoride in their urine as well as the highest prevalence of dental fluorosis. Any evidence of association between higher fluoride intake and disease prevalence is therefore of enormous public health importance.

2. Historical evidence

In 1936 Dean H.T. D.D.S- wrote in the Journal of the American Medical Association: 

"From observations that I made in areas of relatively high fluoride concentration (more than 4 parts per million of fluorine) there is sufficient evidence to suggest that there is an apparent tendency toward a higher incidence of gingivitis (periodontal disease) ."[8]

Similar observations of the link between fluoride and periodontal disease have been made many times since by Dean & Arnold, 1943[9]; Day, 1940[10]; Spira L. 1953[11]; Ramseyer et al, 1957[12]; Grimbergen et al, 1974[13]; Poulsen & Moller,1974[14]; Waldbott et al, 1978[15]; Olsson, 1979[16]; Reddy et al, 1985[17]; Wei et al, 1986[18] and Yiamouyiannis, 1993[19].

In 1953, Leo Spira had identified gingivitis and bleeding gums as signs of chronic fluoride poisoning.  In 1956 the link between fluoride exposure and periodontal disease was further established. Dr. Charles Dillon documented that fluoride causes a progressive degeneration of vital tissue in the root and the dental periosteum, the membrane which separates the tooth from the bone.[20] This results in the progressive periodontal (gum) disease and in wholesale loss of teeth. The action of fluoride on teeth Dr. Dillon demonstrated is not the same in everyone residing in fluoridated areas. There are wide variances depending on geology of the area where people live, a person constitutional and nutritional state are all factors that act to influence the extent of damage fluoride may do to teeth. [21] Prior to this the American Journal of Public Health published an article[22] by Dr. M.C. Smith and Dr. H.V. Smith entitled “Observations on the Durability of Mottled teeth” found that Dental fluorosis or mottled teeth resulting from overexposure to fluoride are structurally weak, and when decay does set in, the result may often be disastrous resulting in the tooth cracking inability to repair the teeth and ultimately resulting in extraction.  

In 1952 Dr. V.O. Hurme, D.M.D., former Director of the famous Forsythe Dental Infirmary for children in Boston stated[23] 

“Among the very inadequate studies, physical signs of fluoride toxicosis are inflammation and destruction of the gingival and periodontal (gum tissue). Published and unpublished observations by many men suggest rather strongly that periodontoclasia (gum disease) may be induced or aggravated by certain chemicals, including fluoride.” 

This conspicuous evidence of fluoride poisoning, Dr. Hurme cautioned, may not always show up as a warning sign. He stated: 

“Once enamel formation is completed the intake of fluoride has little or not visible effect on normal enamel. Thus it follows that when the crowns of the third molars are fully calcified, the visible parts of the teeth cease to serve as indicators or excessive fluoride intake.”[24]

In 1957, Ramseyer observed gingivitis in older rats drinking water fluoridated at 1 ppm. While in 1972 Domazalska observed a direct correlation between the severity of periodontal disease in humans and fluoride levels in systemic fluids.[25]

3. Recent literature

Research documentation from the pharmaceutical company Sepracor[26] (renamed Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Inc), indicates that fluoridated toothpaste may cause or contribute to periodontal bone loss. This finding is serious because periodontal bone loss is the number one cause of tooth loss among adults.  Patents supplied by the pharmaceutical company disclosed that concentrations of fluorides from fluoridated toothpastes and mouthwashes activate G proteins in the oral cavity, thereby promoting gingivitis and periodontitis, as well as oral cancer. The patent findings supply the biochemical explanation for earlier reports by many researchers who had found increased gingivitis and gum inflammation due to fluoridated water, or other sources of fluoride. In 1996 three biochemists Aberg G, Jerussi TP and McCullough JR working for Sepracor  investigated fluoride implications in periodontal disease. Realizing that fluorides activate G proteins,  they reasoned that fluorides would also be involved in the activation of those G proteins which regulate the pathways involved in gingivitis and periodontitis - and they decided to test for the ability of fluoride to activate two integral receptors involved  in periodontal disease - the prostaglandin E2 receptor (PGE2) and the thromboxane A2 (TXA2) receptor. Both are coupled to G proteins called G q/11. The scientists conducted a test with sodium fluoride based on a well-established in-vitro protocol model involving HL-60 cells. These are Human Leukemia cells often used in biochemistry investigations, as one can observe fundamental and critical signals involved in the activation of the body's immune system - because of the cells’ ability to respond to foreign organisms. The authors reported:

"We found that fluoride, in the concentration range in which it is used for the prevention of dental caries, stimulates production of prostaglandins and thereby exacerbates the inflammatory response in gingivitis and periodontitis.... Thus, the inclusion of fluoride in toothpastes and mouthwashes for the purpose of inhibiting the development of caries may, at the same time, accelerate the process of chronic, destructive periodontitis."

However, instead of alerting the public health officials to their findings, they went looking for an agent which would counteract the adverse effects of fluoride choosing a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent (NSAID) called ketoprofen. They conducted more studies[27] to see if ketoprofen was efficient in offsetting the damaging fluoride affects, and in 1996 filed a patent on their new concoction now containing both fluoride and ketoprofen.  In 1998 they obtained a patent[28] for a topically applied fluoride product in which they state that: 

 “The present invention is a method for preventing dental caries by administering a fluoride salt into the oral cavity while at the same time controlling periodontal bone loss by administering, in addition to the fluoride salt, an amount of an NSAID sufficient to inhibit the production of prostaglandins induced by the fluoride.”

The patent findings implicating the fluoride "topical" activation of G proteins in the oral cavity have many far-reaching and serious implications - not only for periodontal disease, but also for oral cancers - which involve "mutated" G proteins, and which are activated by fluoride, often even "preferring" fluoride activation. Subsequently, a study was instigated at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine (funded by Sepracor), documenting the beneficial effects of ketoprofen upon gingivitis. The first study on beagles included one of the three co-inventors (McCullough) together with two Assistant Professors from two separate well-respected Universities, and was subsequently published[29] in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology in 1997.  The study concluded: 

“Systemic and topical administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) has been shown to reduce periodontal disease progression in both animal models and human subjects.” 

Curiously despite the authors known previous findings regarding this drug no mention was made of fluoride in the study. (Ref: PFPC Newsletter 9

According to Lee J et al.[30] Sodium fluoride (NaF) has been shown to be cytotoxic and produces inflammatory responses in humans. Gingivitis and periodontitis account for more than 95% of all inflammatory diseases of the tissues surrounding the teeth.[31] Lee’s results suggest that NaF induces apoptosis (programmed cell death) in human gingival fibroblasts (HGF) through both the mitochondria-mediated pathways regulated by the Bcl-2 family and death receptor-mediated pathway and may play a role in the development of periodontal disease.

Dr. Ken Yaegaki and co-workers at the Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, reported[32] finding significant increases in a dose dependent manner of apoptosis or necrosis/late apoptosis of human gingival epithelial cells exposed in cultures to NaF they cite evidence that the regular use of fluoridated toothpastes and mouth-rinses might involve periodontal soft tissue F sensitivity in subjects of different ages.

Given that apoptosis of gingival crevicular epithelial cells has been shown to be one cause of periodontal pathology[33] gingivitis could conceivably be a response to F effects. Further studies have demonstrated that F at higher concentrations than in saliva might involve periodontal pathologic changes, since F sensitivity is different within different cells or different ages of the subjects,[34],[35] and as very low concentration of NaF (5 mg/L) caused apoptosis in osteoblasts, which also play an important role in periodontal pathology.[36]

These observations are comparable to the results obtained by Jeng et al.[37] when they reported that increasing concentrations of fluoride showed cytotoxicity to human oral mucosal fibroblasts.

There is a long history of association between the critical role of smoking on the incidence and severity of periodontal disease.[38],[39] It is now generally accepted that cigarette smoking is a significant risk factor for periodontal disease.[40] In 1983, Ismail et al.[41] analyzed smoking and periodontal disease and found that after adjusting for potential confounding variables such as age, oral hygiene, gender and socioeconomic status, smoking remained a major risk indicator for periodontal diseases. Locker and Leake[42]  found that among Canadians, smoking was one of the most consistent predictors of periodontal disease experience. Two similar population-based epidemiologic studies have found that periodontitis is more common in smokers than nonsmokers [43],[44] and it has also been reported that smoking is associated with an increase in serum inorganic fluoride concentration.[45] It is likely that the fluoride content of tobacco is the single most significant risk factor in this association.

Similarly a recent study Simpson et al.[46] on the bioavailability of fluoride (from tea) demonstrated that fluoride was retained in the oral cavity where it shows a strong binding ability to interact with the oral tissues and their surface integuments. This is to be expected as Yadav AK et al.[47] reported that tea, toothpaste, tobacco, and dental mouthwashes (with tobacco and without tobacco use) are significant sources of total dietary fluoride intake demonstrating that they frequently expose the human body to 3.88-137.09, 53.5-338.5, 28.0-113.0, 16.5-306.5 and 23.5-185.0 microg of fluoride per gram of these items, respectively. Fluoridation of drinking water and its subsequent contribution of fluoride compounds to other food products through processing and cooking with fluoridated water would increase dietary fluoride exposure further. It is plausible to suggest therefore that total dietary intake of fluoride may be a major risk factor to the development of periodontal disease.

A link between Osteoporosis and periodontal disease was also reported in the British Medical Journal by Dr. John Coventry, Professor of Periodontology at University of London in 2000.[48]  It is widely accepted that osteoporosis is associated with fluoride exposure. The European food safety authority have established for adults an upper tolerable limit for fluoride based on a risk of bone fracture.[49] Fractures are the most dangerous aspect of osteoporosis.

In 2002, the U.S Centers for Disease Control published a report on Public health and Aging examining the retention of natural teeth amongst adults.[50] While the report noted that during the past several decades, the percentage of older adults who have retained their natural teeth has increased steadily the findings of the report raised some significant questions. Hawaii and California had the lowest rates of water fluoridation in the USA: 8.8% of the population in the state of Hawaii was fluoridated; 27.7% of the population in the state California was fluoridated. Kentucky had the highest rate of water fluoridation with virtually 100% (99.7%) of the population receiving fluoridated drinking water. In 2003, the American Dental Association awarded Kentucky with a “50 Year Award” for virtually 100% fluoridation for 50 years.[51]

The CDC as with the Health Department in Ireland have claimed that community water fluoridation is the most effective method for preserving oral health. If tooth loss is a measurement of oral tooth health, then one would expect to see much lower rates of edentulism (tooth loss) in fluoridated communities.  This has not occurred in the U.S nor coincidentally has it occurred in Europe (Fig 1) where much higher rates of tooth loss are also reported in fluoridated communities.

Generally speaking, it is apparent that when the percentage of fluoridated individuals increases, so does the percentage of people with missing teeth. There appears to be no life long reduction in dental decay that can be directly attributable to water fluoridation and instead there appears to be an increase in tooth loss associated with fluoridation amongst the older population who have the longest exposure compared to non fluoridated communities.

The CDC report findings would support this in noting: 

“The prevalence of edentate persons (i.e., those who have lost all their natural teeth) ranged from 13% in Hawaii and California to 42% in Kentucky.” 

The lowest rates of tooth loss in people over 60 years of age occur in the states with the lowest rates of water fluoridation.

While in Europe the prevalence ranged form 48% in fluoridated Republic of Ireland to 17% in Sweden, 18% in Denmark, 15 % in Italy, 36% in the UK and 40% in Northern Ireland. In other words, the highest rates of tooth loss in people over 60 years of age occur in the regions with the highest rates of water fluoridation.

It is likely that the higher incidence of dental fluorosis recorded in fluoridated communities, itself a visible sign of overexposure to fluoride, is also a contributor to this phenomenon. However it should be noted, that this in itself is not an accurate reflection of fluoride exposure generally in the population, as the teeth of children over 8 years of age will not develop dental fluorosis regardless of fluoride dietary exposure.

In 2007 researchers reported this link between dental fluorosis and periodontal disease in the Indian Journal of Dental Research. [52] also reported in the British Dental Journal.[53] It was observed that increased fluoride exposure resulted in increased periodontal disease. The study concluded: 

“The results suggest that there is a strong association of occurrence of periodontal disease in high-fluoride areas. The role of plaque is well understood in contrast to the effect of fluorides on periodontal tissues. Fluoride must therefore be considered an important etiological agent in periodontal disease.” 

This was further examined in 2011 when a study by Lutfioglu et al.[54] evaluating the influence of fluoride on periodontal soft tissues demonstrated that excessive fluoride consumption may alter the periodontal tissue homeostasis which may be detrimental in the maintenance of periodontal health.

A further study in 2011 published in the Indian Journal of Dental Research[55] concluded that,

 “the association between degree of fluorosis and periodontal status is statistically significant.”

4. Conclusion

Based on these facts, fluoridation does not appear to have helped prevent tooth loss and clearly it is evident that fluoridation does not benefit those without teeth.  What is known is that during the last 80 years a clear association between periodontal disease and fluoride exposure was identified and reported, however considering the significance of the disease it is also apparent that it was not studied in the detail one would expect. The bulk of the research has been on dental caries not periodontal disease.

It is clear however that evidence demonstrating a link between total dietary fluoride exposure and periodontal disease is available if you look for it. It is further evident that based on the current information available and on the understanding of the ‘precautionary principle’ that a cessation of the policy of mandatory fluoridation of public drinking water supplies should be undertaken immediately to assist in reducing the exposure of the population to fluoride to acceptable safe levels.  One cannot control the dietary exposure to fluoride compounds for all sectors of the population by fluoridation of public water supplies. It is certain for large sectors of the population that fluoridation of water supplies only increases the risk of potential harm.


[1] European Commission, Health in Europe, Dental and Oral Diseases.

[2] European workshop in periodontal health and cardiovascular disease—scientific evidence on the association between periodontal and cardiovascular diseases: a review of the literature, Eur Heart J Suppl (2010) 12 (suppl B): B3-B12.

[3] European Commission, Health in Europe, Dental and Oral Diseases.

[4] World Health Organization (WHO). Resolution WHA60.17 Oral health: action plan for promotion and integrated disease prevention. WHO, Geneva, Switzerland. (2007)

[5] HSE Cardiovascular Health 2010.

[6] Review of Waugh Report on Human Toxicity, Environmental Impact and Legal Implications of Water Fluoridation. Dr Joe Mullen, Irish Expert Body on Fluorides and Health, May 2012

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[24] George L. Waldbott M.D. A struggle with Titans, Carlton Press  1965

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[31] Roy C. Page, DDS, PhD; L. David Engel, DDS, PhD; A. Sampath Narayanan, PhD; James A. Clagett, PhD, Chronic Inflammatory Gingival and Periodontal Disease, JAMA. 1978;240(6):545-550.

[32] Herai, Yaegaki, Murata, Sato, Imai, Tanaka, Itai, Induction Of Apoptosis In Human Gingival Epithelial Cells By Sodium Fluoride, Fluoride 42(1)3–8, January-March 2009

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[51] (

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[55] Kumar, PR, John J. Assessment of periodontal status among dental fluorosis subjects using community periodontal index of treatment needs. Indian J Dent Res. 2011 Mar-Apr; 22(2):248-51.


Disclaimer: The author is not an authority or professional. For medical advice, see a trusted professional without delay. All of his material are hypotheses for discussion. Constructive criticism is welcome.

Fair Use Act Disclaimer: This site is for discussion purposes only. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.

Intellectual Property Rights: The intellectual property aggregated and redistributed in this site is for educational use only and is considered protected by standards of fair use. Intellectual property owners have been cited where possible. Original material produced for this site is copyright Jim West / harvoa 2020, All rights reserved.

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Sunday, April 10, 2022

Science blocked by YouTube

 by Jim West (please share and cite)

I was looking at this video by Sayer Ji, the leader of

The video critiques the COVID virus in terms of Koch's Postulates. The video does not claim the virus does not exist. Yet GreenMedinfo has published my work which finds viruses non-existent.

Additionally, I have posted links to my work for years on YouTube in the comments section. Thus, I assume I can comment on this video with links to my site,

I get blocked.

So I try a link to harvoa dot org and get blocked.

I link  to and that is OK.

I repeat that comment again, adding "and harvoa dot org" and I get blocked.

Then I change "harvoa dot org" to random words with "dot" between them, and I get blocked:

I tried this sneaky approach and was blocked:

A friend commented with links to my site and was blocked.

I tried three different browsers (MS, Chrome, Firefox) and am still blocked.

I don't have any extensions that would block anything without a notice.

One of my comments has survived for now, with no attempt to link:

The YouTube tally of comments shows my comments are still in the YouTube system, but not showing. 

Three comments show yet 17 are tallied.

YouTube/Google is insidious because they initially accept my comments, but then upon refresh it disappears. 

Google owns Blogger, my blog platform, and owns YouTube, so perhaps by their grace I am still allowed to blog under their radar.

Surprising update: I was approved for comments, and am able to comment with links.


Disclaimer: The author is not an authority or professional. For medical advice, see a trusted professional without delay. All statements are hypotheses for discussion. Constructive criticism is welcome.

Fair Use Act Disclaimer: This site is for discussion purposes only. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.

Intellectual Property Rights: The intellectual property aggregated and redistributed in this site is for educational use only and is considered protected by standards of fair use. Intellectual property owners have been cited where possible. Original material produced for this site is copyright Jim West / harvoa 2020, All rights reserved.

Please support this work by sharing, buying books, or donating.

Friday, March 4, 2022

EMF and Stem Cells

by Jim West (please share and cite)

[Update 8/19/2023: My toenails are fully recovered for quite a while now. Also good recovery from "foot arch disorders" or "tired feet" and sole sensitivity to shoes, as EMF issues.]

Here are three of my toenails.

Healthy toenail growth is at the base, yet the older section of nail is dark and slightly rough, due to old age -- I had assumed. Though I have suspected years of EMF stress setting up my EMF-damaged toenails for symbiotic microbial scavenging. (Modern Medicine defines this darkening as "fungal infection" and treats it with toxic pharmaceuticals, thereby badly compounding any existing toxic stress.)

For three months now, I've been watching healthy growth at the base of each toenail. This is today's photo.

"Tree-Ring" analysis of toenails

Given: a) Toenail growth rate averages 1.62mm/month. b) The light healthy growth measures 5.25mm from the stem cell visible base.

My calculations put the date of this growth at late November, exactly when I began to seriously revamp my EMF shielding against the neighbor's smartmeter. I used copper-nickel fabric shielding.

This length of the new growth correlates perfectly with the date of the new shielding.


Healthy growth and healing should also be occurring throughout my body/mind.

Update 4/26/2022


Fingernails vs Toenails

Generally, "fungal infections" occur more often in toenails than fingernails. 

Postulate: Toenail stem cells are more vulnerable to smartmeter radiation because they are already highly EMF stressed. This are nearest to the earth surface where they suffer 24/7 from utility earth current radiation -- more so than any other part of the body. In cities, radiating powerlines are running under the sidewalks.

A Similar Stem Cell Disaster

X-ray photos are another type of EMF, though at high frequency. Decades ago, I had noticed the teeth of a six-month old child who, postnatal, had been carelessly (if not sadistically) exposed to X-rays in a hospital.

At one year, his permanent teeth began to emerge, yet they were were very dull, no sharp edges on the surfaces like normal teeth.

Postulate: The X-ray photos had been taken immediately postnatal, after the child's perfect baby teeth were already formed (though under the gums), and so those baby teeth were perfect. Obviously the permanent teeth stem cells were damaged by those X-rays. Baby teeth and permanent teeth have separate stem cell reservoirs.


1) Smartmeters damage plants

    Example 1Example 2Example 3

2) Smartmeters damage humans

    Example 1Example 2Example 3

3) EMF undermines fine muscle coordination


Disclaimer: The author is not an authority or professional. For medical advice, see a trusted professional without delay. All of his material are hypotheses for discussion. Constructive criticism is welcome.

Fair Use Act Disclaimer: This site is for discussion purposes only. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.

Intellectual Property Rights: The intellectual property aggregated and redistributed in this site is for educational use only and is considered protected by standards of fair use. Intellectual property owners have been cited where possible. Original material produced for this site is copyright Jim West / harvoa 2020, All rights reserved.

Please support this work by sharing, buying books, or donating.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Dental Issues Resolved

by Jim West (please share and cite)

Update 8/14/2023: Garlic is not a major positive factor as I had written below! It is a short-term benefit is due to the "pharmaceutical effect", i.e., it, as a minor toxic stressor gives the experience of a health benefit, and its sulfur might be useful nutritionally as it combines with heavy metals in the body, where they can be excreted.

Looking back at decades of dental issues, and in view of recent experiences, I conclude that the major factors are undoubtedly:

1) "Sugar" in any unnatural non-raw form, is a fake hormone that causes severe dental disintegration. This means sugar like "organic brown sugar", which is refined sugar with molasses added back into it, resulting in its state as a dysfunctional hormone. Synthetic hormones are notorious, e.g., female hormones, etc.. Nevertheless, natural sugar as found in raw honey or fruit is gooood.

2) EMF from any industrial source. Prenatal EMF including ultrasound (EMF transformed via piezo-electric crystal in to the mechanical phase), establishes permanent vulnerability. Other poisons such as air pollution or arsenic are factors. EMF and arsenic are demonstrated dental poisons according to studies, as causing "apoptosis" of dental cells.

3) Acid levels higher or equal to lemon or vinegar.

With good EMF shielding and raw fruit and raw honey, "sugar" was no problem, and teeth that were ready to fall out, firmed up.

Prior thinking (somewhat wrong)

Update: Circa 6/22/2022, my tooth fell out. Very sad. It was in good shape but the periodontal system could not hold it. It took years for this final event, instigated by fluoride poisoning from a dentist over a decade ago, and progressing badly with each new poisoning episode. It is somewhat a relief that it is gone. My body seems now to crave raw garlic and I have no problem eating it as small cut pieces with cheddar cheese. Found out today that sulphur and fluoride react to form an inert non-toxic gas, sulphur hexafluoride. This might be a good antidote for fluoride.

Update: Circa 4/4/2022, my tooth firmed up, but then I ate popcorn and it became loose again. Not gone but loose. Not improving. I have heard that a bonded brace to adjacent teeth (by a dentist) can give the tooth time to heal. I may try that.


Garlic has a great reputation for improving health by bolstering the immune system. It has long been eaten raw by Germans, Russians and Chinese cultures for this reason. 

Its reputation is warranted because the immune system depends on sulfur to destroy and/or sequester foreign matter, such as heavy metals and out of balance microbes. With arsenic and mercury being constants threats throughout industrial history, garlic makes sense.


Due to a corrupt dentist filling my perfectly good teeth with mercury when I was a child, and then as an adult having those mercury fillings replaced with resin following a fluoride treatment -- by a moronic dentist -- my periodontal system is not happy. Science supports my observations.

Recently, with more stressors, my front lower teeth got real sad and wanted to leave. I got very sad and began asking and thinking.

I took many hours to revamp my EMF shielding and that helped much, but one tooth remained very loose.

A close friend suggested oil of oregano, organic.

I don't entirely trust the organic label, especially when spices are allowed much more pesticides because the FDA falsely declares that they are not a food and assumes that they would not be eaten in quantity. However, the oil of a spice is where chemicals migrate.

Then I bumped into garlic at the store and remembered that it is high in sulfur, like onions. I remembered that Captain Cook used onions for cure his ship crew, to prevent scurvy.

I tried garlic and within 24 hours the tooth was firmer. Over the next week, everyday, the tooth got firmer. Apparently the periodontal micro-ecology was getting into balance.

Maybe this is too early to celebrate. But so far, so good.


I was chopping garlic cloves and swallowing them in a smoothie or with any liquid, daily.

The amount? Five small cloves per day.

Most sources claim much more garlic can be eaten daily.

However after six days of eating my five small cloves, I noticed a very strong odor in my sinuses and then in my mouth. That would be H2S, hydrogen sulfide. The odor reminded me of petroleum refinery effluents, where H2S is common.

I also felt heart palpitation, which I first assumed was EMF from my computer monitor. But while that once was common, palpitation is now rare, if ever, because I wear an EMF shield vest and have a monitor shield.

So it appears that garlic overdose really is a hazard to the heart, as others experience and warn.


The body senses a sulfur overdose.

The body neutralizes the sulfur, producing H2S gas.

The H2S gas is released mostly through the lungs and skin.

Overdose monitoring

So forget the mainstream dose threshold studies, which are absurdly high.

Just monitor yourself for H2S and heart weirdness. If you sense these symptoms, then stop eating garlic, and maybe onions also, as they are substantial in sulfur.

It appears that on the average, for me, one third of a small clove per day would be OK. But now I am waiting for the H2S to subside completely.


Allicin is like a sugar with a sulfur bond.

Simple sugars are C6H12O6.

Sulfur is like oxygen, and can "oxidize" things that "burn", like carbon, hydrogen and metals. Thus it appears that O and S are bonded with the sugar component C6H10- to form C6H12OS2 (allicin).

Mainstream Medicine will tell you that allicin aids the arterial system by generating H2S and nitric acid and thereby helps to open up arteries.

I doubt that is the mechanism. They are actually describing a toxic "pharmaceutical effect", whereby the toxicity of allicin overdose brings about a temporary and false sense of "vitality". The end result is disaster, as with virtually all pharmaceuticals.

The mainstream stories are, as usual, an avoidance of toxicology.

The value of garlic should be nutritional, not hormetic. That is, the dose should be less than what generates the toxic hormetic effect (pharmaceutical affect).


Disclaimer: The author is not an authority or professional. For medical advice, see a trusted professional without delay. All statements are hypotheses for discussion. Constructive criticism is welcome.

Fair Use Act Disclaimer: This site is for discussion purposes only. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.

Intellectual Property Rights: The intellectual property aggregated and redistributed in this site is for educational use only and is considered protected by standards of fair use. Intellectual property owners have been cited where possible. Original material produced for this site is copyright Jim West / harvoa 2020, All rights reserved.

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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Virology: Not Science

 by Jim West (please share and cite)

As every teenage scientist knows, an experiment is inconclusive if it does not attempt to control for competing theories. Such is virology. This is so blatant that virology must be considered strategically corrupt.

With so many elephants in the room, virology is clearly an advertising tech, a gimmick. It is not science. It employs technicians and journalists, not scientists.

Virology protects industry from toxicity liabilities. It facilitates industrial exploitation.

Generally, all Medical disease causation theories follow that pattern. Ditto for psychiatry, osteopathy and homeopathy, spiritual healing, etc, though much less harmful are homeopathy, spiritual healing, etc.


"Virus" disease


Obvious toxic cause


Initially flu-like, respiratory

Air pollution


Initially flu-like, respiratory

Air pollution


Fever, vomiting, diarrhea

Air pollution, sometimes food or water toxicity


Initially flu-like, CNS/respiratory

Persistent pesticides and related chemicals


Initially flu-like, pervasive breakdown

A misdiagnosis then AZT

The symptoms of environmental toxicity are usually followed by Medical malpractice (misdiagnoses and toxic treatments) and with potentially deadly consequences.


Disclaimer: The author is not an authority or professional. For medical advice, see a trusted professional without delay. All statements are hypotheses for discussion. Constructive criticism is welcome.

Fair Use Act Disclaimer: This site is for discussion purposes only. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.

Intellectual Property Rights: The intellectual property aggregated and redistributed in this site is for educational use only and is considered protected by standards of fair use. Intellectual property owners have been cited where possible. Original material produced for this site is copyright Jim West / harvoa 2020, All rights reserved.

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Saturday, February 12, 2022

COVID-19 VAX Evidence

 by Jim West (please share and cite)

This amazing info is selected from Steve Kirsch's newsletter.

Very strong evidence points to the COVID-19 vaccine.

1) Killing and maiming over a thousand professional athletes

2) Raising disease incidence up to 10x according to military data

3) Funeral home directors finding blood clots in over 50% of their cases, and only from the vaccinated. 

4) An embalmer finding clots in 93% of cases, all vaccinated.

5) Pathologist photographs "mini-clots" in blood of vaccinated submitted by embalmers.

6) Pediatric clinic nurse finding 10x increase in myocarditis. 

7) JAMA study finding an epidemic of myocarditis correlating with the vaccine, and warns that it is "under-reporting".


Disclaimer: The author is not an authority or professional. For medical advice, see a trusted professional without delay. All statements are hypotheses for discussion. Constructive criticism is welcome.

Fair Use Act Disclaimer: This site is for discussion purposes only. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.

Intellectual Property Rights: The intellectual property aggregated and redistributed in this site is for educational use only and is considered protected by standards of fair use. Intellectual property owners have been cited where possible. Original material produced for this site is copyright Jim West / harvoa 2020, All rights reserved.

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Ultrasound book on Amazon's Best Seller List

  by Jim West   (please share and cite) My slam-dunk critical book on medical ultrasound is supported  by medicos, midwives, scientists, and...