by Jim West (please share and cite)
Homeopathy and many other alternative health systems are much less harmful than Modern Medicine (allopathy) because they don't outright apply deadly treatments.
However, like allopathy, they consist of rituals to alleviate symptoms.
Take homeopathy as an example.
Example 1 (Homeopathy)
Your loyal friend walks up to you and says,
"Watch out for the approaching out-of-control truck."
You find this this message to be painfully uncomfortable.
You seriously look him in the eye. You pull out a homeopathic pill.
You say,
"This pill represents the pain you bring. I now swallow it, so that you know clearly that I have heard your message. I now do nothing. I do not even try to understand your message."
To say the least, this is an insult to your loyal friend. An insult to your body.
He will not bring any further painful messages.
The pain is gone. You are in bliss. Homeopathy works!!
[Screeching brakes] Bam! You are gone.
Your friend is bitter, staring in disbelief at your blood stains down the road. He nervously begins to laugh, as he says, "How bizarre. What a idiot! What a waste of life and of my life knowing him! The bastard!"
In some form, to some degree, this happens every second everywhere throughout the world, due to the masterful propaganda of Modern Medicine, Homeopathy, and other myopic forms of spiritualism, healing, meditation, prayer, religion, etc, that seek to avoid (alleviate) uncomfortable messages known as "disease" or "symptoms.
Example 2 (Modern Medicine)
Your heart palpitates.
Rather than look around to see what is causing this, such as, the EMF from the computer monitor in front of you or the modem/router next to you...
You go to your doctor. He has been instructed by The World Health Organization and other agencies, not to empathize with patients over EMF issues, i.e., not to help you identify or lower EMF exposure.
A doctor will more likely say that the cause of symptoms is a mystery, or he may find that your grandmother had heart issues, and conclude that your problem is genetic. He may say that you are innately weak.
His usual solution is to send you to a specialist.
You will be administered toxic pills, toxic medical imaging, a cascade of toxic investigations and all under the umbrella of many diagnostic theories that avoid toxicological factors. He may drive you towards surgery or a pace-maker.
He may freely lie to you, painting false pictures. A doctor is legally allowed to lie in order to sell his products and services. He can use a Medical "Deception Flowchart" to facilitate the process.
It is nearly impossible to "listen to your heart" (symptoms) for clues if it is sliced and diced, its valves replaced with plastic, and an electric pacemaker installed to force a robotic heartbeat. You might be drugged, and that won't help you listen either.
Allopathy is an extreme version of homeopathy, but with a similar goal and result (avoiding cause, mainly avoiding toxicology). A smart homeopath challenged me in the comments below, yet he ran.
Orthopathy is better
Orthopathy means right suffering. This was started by people such as Isaac Jennings, MD.
Wikipedia mischaracterizes orthopathy:
"Proponents claim that fasting, dieting, and other lifestyle measures are all that is necessary to prevent and treat disease." [bolding mine]
Actually (from his autobiography), Jennings became famous and wealthy by being an environmentalist. He had to lie to his patients, because if he were honest, he would lose his patients and his income.
Here is his lying method.
As a visiting doctor, he would give patients fake bitter pills that did nothing. He would sooth the miserable patient with words. He would say goodbye, get paid, and walk out the front door, and close it.
He would then open the door a little, peep his head into the room, and briefly say (accurate paraphrase),
"And don't forget, keep the window open for fresh air in the sick-room."
Yes Doctor...
That was the crux of his entire method (which you will find nowhere else).
Invariably he would get a letter stating (accurate paraphrase),
"Whatever pills you prescribed us, they worked as a miracle! Thanks for saving our lives!"
His ventilation advice was critical because fireplaces and stoves often, or usually, cannot easily be ventilated properly and thus they were the major cause of disease of the era.
To this day, exhaust is a major cause of flu symptoms, but doctors won't mention environmental studies, such as Dolan (1985), which found that doctors are assuming flu symptoms to be virological without investigating obvious environmental factors.
Only when Jennings retired financially secure did he confess his methods. The local government gave him a stipend to keep him in the area. And he began the movement of Orthopathy.
Symptoms are your body talking to you. Your body is like an animal that lacks verbal skills.
You are programmed by Medical propaganda to avoid the body's messages, and so they get louder and stronger in an attempt to break through your arrogance, they become "painful".
In other words, Allopathic Medicine has you censoring your own body. When its messages become louder and eventually overwhelmingly loud ("pain"), Medicine weighs in (with your consent) with pain killers and pain control, i.e., it brings poisons to censor your normal messaging functions. They also bring propaganda for your mind.
Gestalt Therapy
The great book, "Gestalt Therapy" by Perls, Hefferline, and Goodman, reverses this Medical trend by having you meditate on your symptoms. It includes exercises to get you to recognize your symptoms.
The ideas of the book, however, encourage the reader beyond special counsel from a therapist. They encourage truthful conversation with the body, and with an appropriate selection from the people you meet every day. Our symptoms get lonely and need to reach out.
The goal is to acknowledge the tremendous reality of the environment, not diagnose it as a fiction.
"Mediation by Cinema" (Medi-Cine) seeks to divide you from your body and its visceral perception of the environment.
Your body may desperately resort to attacking your vanity, by causing dental issues, and presenting a self image of social disgust.
The cause is usually directly near you, in front of you, like your unshielded computer monitor, the LED light on your desk, the modem/router, etc. Or, chemically: Air pollution (indoor/outdoor), bad ventilation, and further away, industrial solvents, paints, stack pollution, traffic, etc.