Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Tchaikovsky's Death

 by Jim West (please share and cite)

Two theories exist for the death of  the great composer Tchaikovsky.

1) He was poisoned by water that had not been boiled. At the time there was a cholera epidemic.

2) He was a homosexual assassinated by his embarrassed fraternity.

However, here is my theory #3, under development.

He was assassinated because he was (unknown to himself) about to be a major EMF critic.

His father was a famous mining engineer. So Tchaikovsky had the scientific skills and attitudes to understand the taboo, EMF disease causation.

His parents planned to send him to a school of engineering. They changed his direction though, sending him to a school of jurisprudence.

His musical sponsor, Nadejda Filaretovna von Meck, was married to an engineer.

The engineering influence advanced him over any other composer of the era, as composition requires an engineer's mind. The great Greek composer, Xenakis, for example, was an engineer.

Tchaikovsky was therefore in good position to discover the biological impact of EMF toxicity. He was apparently one of the early EMF victims, as he spoke about a mysterious "Sensation Z". 

These occur around 1884, and Russian electrification began around 1880.

This term has been interpreted to mean his worries about his homosexuality. Yet he was comfortable with his sexuality. Portraits of him with his boyfriend look confident and content, and portray a common gay couple, such as is NYC West Village. His only worry about his homosexuality was his reputation, how it would affect his audience.

He was in position to be able to determine that EMF could be the contributing cause to his Sensation Z.

 Gender dysphoria studies find genderto be an EMF symptom.

Tchaikovsky was was one of the most famous people of the era, and electric lighting was installed in Russia decades years before he died.

His health complaints began soon after Russia began its program of electrification in 1880.

4/19/1891 he visited New York City, which had been electrically illuminated for nine years. He wrote:

Then Mayer procured permission for me to see the vaults of the public treasury,,, Bags of gold rested like sacks of flour in a barn, in beautiful, clean, electrically-illuminated chambers.

He begins the next paragraph with:

Throughout this interesting journey I felt a peculiar sensation, which must be old age, a most horrible tiredness.

Whenever I think symptoms are "old age", I research my environment and find EMF and/or air pollution, The symptoms point to the cause, and shielding, distancing, or turning off the source, brings healing and calm. Tchaikovsky (from a science and engineering family) might have discovered the same if he had not died two years later, 11/6/1893.

He values the "sensation" of absolute natural peace, and in an EMF world that would be very difficult. In New York, he writes,

I'm living very well, but still in my heart I secretly sigh about my dear Villa Richelieu. I was destined for such a life, and only similar terms of existence can wholly satisfy me. No city and no amount of brilliance and noise can give that wonderful sensation of absolute peace, absolute freedom, which is only possible in the quiet and isolated corners of the world.

6/4/1884, during an evening rehearsal, which could have been electrically lit:

I was very jittery: everything upset me not without cause: the pain, or perhaps it would be better to say, the strange sensation in my throat which has lasted a long time, is beginning to worry me, and I still have slight discomfort as if from hemorrhoids as well. 


All day I was alarmed and extremely irritated by that same strange sensation in my throat. 

EMF affects the thyroid and related organs around the throat (studies).

6/7/1884 his throat issue are described by the present-day editor of the letters website, as "tonsillitis". This is an inflammation of lymph glands, which I see in my friend who sleeps 20 feet from a smart meter and next to a giant cell tower. Another person I know with acute EMF issues, had thyroid radiation treatment. Thyroid issues can be frightening as they can bring choking sensations.

Additional historical issues

There is a credible theory that Russia was being politically ushered through history by the elite bankers, set up for the covert installation of Lenin and Trotsky by the these global elites. See the work of British historian, Antony Sutton

Russia and its achievements had to be publicly diminished in order to set it up for this fake  communist revolution. This was a major part of the global polarization of national roles by the global elites (Communism vs Free Market, dual Super Powers, etc.). Russia was a creative, industrious and successful nation, as evident by its music. That reality had to be changed to a doomed and depressive culture, with Communism the answer.

A literary example of a Russian author of depressing propaganda was Dostoevsky, as described in Wikipedia:

Dostoyevsky, was a Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist, and journalist. [His] literary works explore the human condition in the troubled political, social, and spiritual atmospheres of 19th-century Russia...

Sutton argues that Russia was not troubled. It was a social and industrial success.

Dostoyevsky's themes, as promoted, are pity the poor - poverty leads to low self-esteem. However, the poor are also hated by those who believe in money culture, and Dostoyevsky was widely published and promoted apparently to facilitate the invasion of poor cultures with the Pity Industrial Complex. Sutton documents his argument that global bankers destroyed Russia, training and importing Lenin and Trotsky and replacing its culture with Communism.

Stable and traditional cultures are destroyed by the money industrial complex.

Not that simple, however, from Wikipedia:

[To] place Dostoevsky politically is not that simple, but: as a Christian, he rejected atheistic socialism; as a traditionalist, he rejected the destruction of the institutions; and, as a pacifist, he rejected any violent method or upheaval led by either progressives or reactionaries. He supported private property and business rights, and did not agree with many criticisms of the free market from the socialist utopians of his time.

Everyone must be brought into an amoral version of money culture, where quality dives and quantity thrives in a brave new world of drugs, pesticides and brilliant, noisy, toxic electrical radiation. See Jon Rappoport's "America is a Hospital". The heroin drug wars were waged against China, as the leadership resisted the incursion of drugs. The sensitive needed to be removed from society, to facilitate of the entry of the brute culture.


Thus the tragic ending of Tchaikovsky after completion of his 6th symphony. It may have been necessary. He was young for a composer and destined to be even more dominant throughout Europe. It would be difficult to degrade Russia with Tchaikovsky active in the music scene.

Search keywords, sensation and depression, at this link. 



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