Friday, December 24, 2021

Ascorbic acid is not "Vitamin C"

by Jim West (please share and cite)

Others have argued this, but I'll argue with some different angles.

The commonly used form of vitamin C is ascorbic acid, a synthetic popularized by those such as Linus Pauling, a famous scientist.

Ascorbic acid is not actually real vitamin C. 

Ascorbic acid  is a synthetic chemical, an anti-oxidant related to vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is toxic, because it mindlessly disrupts the dual options of oxidation and anti-oxidation that the body uses for the purposes of detoxifying and removing pollutants and microbes. See "Oxidative burst".

These two opposite functions must be under dynamic control of the body's autonomic protection and stabilization systems (the immune system in a sense). Ascorbic acid is a dead synthetic "vitamin C", an anti-oxidant that lacks the ability to cooperate with the body. This is also the problem with refined sugars, as natural sugar is an energy "hormone", which the body understands.

The "immune system" has many beneficial oxidation options, such as superoxides, peroxides, and sulfuration processes, which can handle pollutants. The body may strategically decide to oxidize a pollutant, but ascorbic acid (as an antioxidant) would render oxidation difficult or impossible. 

Toxic ascorbic acid

Given that ascorbic acid neutralizes biological oxidation agents, if the body were to attempt to oxidize a pollutant, it would be required to expend energy to overcome the anti-oxidant action of ascorbic acid.

Thus ascorbic acid is toxic at any dose. 

Mainstream Medicine says that the probability of toxic effects correlates with dose.

I take no stimulants or depressants and avoid pollution (air, EMF, and medical), thus I have accurate and sensitive symptoms. After taking a vitamin C pill that contains ascorbic acid, I show a fever. A fever is a sign of toxicity.

I do not have a fever after eating an orange.

Upon encountering air pollution (which depletes vitamin C), I crave citrus not a pill. The craving begins before I am aware of the pollution. The craving is a symptom of air pollution. It is a signal to me that the air is polluted.

I assume that sulfur is similarly needed, but it is already present in my diet when I have raw dairy, fruit, seeds and eggs.

Primates (such as humans) recycle vitamin C and do not normally (in an unpolluted world) need to generate it like other animals.

Example of toxic ascorbic acid

During the earlier era of Captain Cook and even back to Ancient Rome, a common toxic pollutant was arsenic trioxide. Ascorbic subverts the immune system, rendering the body more vulnerable to arsenic trioxide.

"...ascorbic acid... a sensitizer... to arsenic trioxide."

See my related post about scurvy, viewed as a disease of arsenic poisoning.


Thanks to Justin for his recent comments which lead to this post.

Disclaimer: The author is not an authority or professional. For medical advice, see a trusted professional without delay. All statements are hypotheses for discussion. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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  1. So do you have any esteem for intravenous "Vitamin C" or do you think there are other things that do a better job for whatever intravenous "Vitamin C" is used for?

    1. Even if you believe cancer is caused by a vitamin c deficiency, taking high doses of vitamin c intravenously are dangerous. High levels of Vitamin C causes mineral expulsion particularly of chromium & selenium. Dr. Gonzales, the former poster boy of the CDC found that giving high doses of vitamin c to his cancer patients killed them more quickly. Dr. Pauling's British patients all suffered from low levels of Vitamin C. Of course they felt better taking vitamin c, but giving a huge dose to those with adequate levels showed no improvement in cancer patients but the opposite. It's like taking aspirin to stop a migraine. One pill might help. 2 might make the migraine go away, but 3 or more won't make you feel better and taking 30 may land you in the hospital..

    2. And what price paid for "making the migraine go away"?

  2. The intravenous vitamin C (ascorbic acid) could give relief in two ways:

    1) Ascorbic acid brings a false sense of symptom relief, in the way that any other toxic pharmaceutical brings relief. It would give the body a greater problem for it to garner its energies against. Those problems (damage) could be subtle and with long-delayed symptoms, to hide their effects -- yet bring the false sense of relief from the immediate symptoms.

    This is the pharmaceutical effect, which is a subcategory of the general principle of HORMESIS. Some have said this is the most censored word in history.

    It means that poisoning initially brings about vitality before it maims and kills. If the doctor gets paid before the second stage then the pharmaceutical is a success (wry).

    2) If the pollutants (being treated with ascorbic acid) were properly determined with no unknown toxic cofactors, then ascorbic acid's anti-oxidant properties could neutralize the pollutants.

    The proper determination of pollutants, however, would be impossible since doctors are not allowed to acknowledge EMF toxicity, and they are biased against determining iatrogenic toxicity such as pharmaceutical or imaging (xray, ultrasound, MRI) toxicity.

    However, With luck, the pollutant could be neutralized by an anti-oxidant like ascorbic acid.

  3. Your claim that ascorbic acid isn't vitamin C is bogus. And Pauling, who took many grams of it daily for decades, lived a very long life which also rather negates your claim that ascorbate is toxic.

    Millions of people have greatly profited from taking ascorbic acid supplements.

    No one with a good idea of nutrition would recommend to just take vitamins on their own but always in conjunction with a healthy diet. It's no substitute for it.

    You disseminate a biased view of ascorbic acid and therefore you do lots of harm.

    1. You are uncivilly venting with ad hominem, ad popular, ad autoritat.

      Ascorbic acid is one component of biological vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is a synthetic compound made in a factory.


      "Vitamins are not individual molecular compounds. Vitamins are biological complexes."

      "Most sources equate vitamin C with ascorbic acid, as though they were the same thing. They're not. Ascorbic acid is... a fraction... a distillate of naturally occurring vitamin C."

      Biological vitamin C is a "stress hormone".

      Hormones can store information in memory, process the information, and act on other tissue, just like normal nervous systems.

      Ascorbic acid cannot do that because it is a dead synthesized compound.

    2. Looking at Linus Pauling. He died at age 93. He lived on a ranch in the Big Sur area of California, and that would reduce pollution related illness.

      His funding connections would be intereseting.

      Recently, a friend died at 97 with no health issues except during his last few weeks as his body shut down in hospice mode. His trick? He avoided doctors, pharmaceuticals and vaccines.

  4. Well, the trend in recent years is to supplement with a so called Vitamin C complex rather then just ascorbic acid. Such supplements also contain rose hips and sometimes citrus concentrate and\or berries alongside ascorbic acid. Actually many formulas use sodium ascorbate (the non acidic form) rather then ascorbic acid, to prevent bowl irritation. Newer formulas provide liposomal vitamin c for higher bioavailability. It is also known that high dose IV ascorbic acid would convert in the body to Hydrogen peroxide, which kills anaerobic pathogens. I've also heard IV ascorbic acid was used in the late 1930's to treat polio and tetanus, but you probably should know about it more then I do.

    1. Those are old trends.

      Ascorbic acid cannot convert to hydrogen peroxide, but it supposedly does generate peroxide. This is a strange thing though, because ascorbic acid is an anti-oxidant and peroxide is an oxidizer.


      Ascorbic acid is not generating hydrogen peroxide. The body is generating hydrogen peroxide to oxidize (neutralize) the toxic ascorbic acid (an anti-oxidant).

      What makes ascorbic acid toxic is that it defeats the important ability of the body to oxidize, as explained in this post. It thereby facilitates poisons that they body seeks to oxidize.

    2. Apparently it also works the other way around

    3. Also see this one:

    4. These studies are bogus. The body is producing hydrogen peroxide to stabilize itself against the anti-oxidant (ascorbic acid).

      Oxidization is a vital immune system essential process, and ascorbic acid undermines that process, so the body attempts to neutralize the ascorbic acid by generating peroxide.


      Parallel hoaxes:

      Lemon juice makes body alkaline. Lemon juice becomes alkaline in the body.

      Actually, the body is neutralizing the lemon juice acid by generating alkaline compounds.

      Fever is a dangerous disease causer. Solution: Take poison like Tyenol.

      Actually fever is a symptom of poisoning.

      Ultrasound doesn't kill cells. It causes cell suicide (it causes to kill themselves by affecting signal pathways.

      That is, when referring to medical matters, it is not PC to use the word "necrosis", but you can use the word "apoptosis".



Carbon Monoxide on Center Stage

  by Jim West   (please share and cite)   Natural gas is advertised as a toxic hazard -- if a stove is not adjusted properly because carbon ...